View Full Version : Picture freezing sound continues help.

01-03-14, 10:20
Morning could someone help me I'm new to the scene

I've had my vu duo for 1 month got it from WoS so genuine came flashed with Vix 808 kernel 3.1.1

It's been fine for until last couple of days it it's started to play up

When watching a channel the picture will freeze and the sound will continue I've try leaving it for about one hr but won't sort it's self out so had to use power switch on back to reset box.

When reset it turns back on finds the channel ok but the remote will not will not function ie change channel, only way to fix is to use power switch again and turn off on after this reset all works ok again

Only thing I have change is the internal hd from 10 yr plus old 160gb to 500gb from 5 yr old sky box

I've done some searching and found a couple of threads that say use cache flush so have installed but couldn't find out how to configure

So my question is how do I sort this out ?

Thanks Ian sorry for long post.

02-03-14, 03:44
when you get this problem is it happening on fta channel or encrypted ones are you running a local card or cs
as for the remote i would check your batteries are ok and if you can take the lid off the receiver prob check the connection to the front display remote sensor.
Dont think you need the cache flush as this fault is more so with the first generation boxes.
you say you changed the hdd drive lately with an old skybox was it fully format ok and have you tryed putting the old 10year one back in to see if that resolves the problem could be something on the old sky hdd thats causing the problem.
last thing you can do is reflash the stb and add your addons if any one at a time incase a addon is your problem its more a case of working your way through the setup checking as you go if all else fails the box is under gurantee and if you cant resolve the problem then get in touch with the boss.

02-03-14, 09:10
Hi thanks for the reply
It's only set up for fta
I put the old hd back in last night to see it that was the problem.
I will take a look at the connection and change the battery's out
As for addon a it I only use abm and the cross epg addon
Will let you know if if continues and try reflashing next
Thanks again ian

03-03-14, 16:59
I have put the old hard drive back in yesterday morning and it's been fine since then so must have been the old hard drive will have to get a new one.
Cheers for your help.