View Full Version : Default settings for ViX 4.x release. Version 2

28-02-14, 14:54
Hi all

Had a light bulb moment this morning, not the best idea but an idea all the same. I went to post in the original thread then realised it was closed, so have opened this one just to put the idea across.

I am having issues with a channel right now (posted on another thread) and have tried 3 times to run abm to pick it up. Up to now I'm having no luck sorting it out, but will keep trying. Anyway my idea for the new image, as I said I have run abm a few times, during which you get a black screen whilst searching. This is much to the annoyance of my wife and kids, stopping them from being able to watch TV. So the idea, is it possible to configure the abm settings to do its searching in the background over live TV? I remember last year Andy changed the way crossepg loaded and thought perhaps he could with his magic and do this with ABM? I usually run abm in the night so it wouldn't bother anyone but as I am seeing currently there are times when this needs to be done during daytime viewing. It would be better imo if watching pleasure wasnt compromised for 15 or so minutes whilst abm is doing its thing.

Thanks for reading guys, I welcome your feedback.

28-02-14, 14:56
ABM is already configured to scan using a free tuner if one is available and always has been, we did this way before doing the same with CrossEPG.

28-02-14, 15:03
also 15 minutes for ABM to do it's thing ?, something is wrong there mate, ABM for sky uk should take no more than 3 minutes at most.

28-02-14, 15:28
have you now got itv hd lgleave?
i ask because i also use abm, only have one tuner, and also have settings for granada hd, abm runs automatically at 04:15 every morning and takes about a minute (possibly a little less)
itv hd did go awol yeterday but when i switched on this morning it was back.
if you like i can message you my settings to see how they compare with yours.

28-02-14, 16:41
ITV has been changing trasnsponders and i believe some regions changed over yesterday evening. mine (mindlands) changed over a few week back. so when you rescanned it canme back. thats why

28-02-14, 20:39
Yep lost ITV HD too but just rescanned with ABM and got it back. Picon has gone so that will need to be changed but I'll just wait for the new build.

I'll just repeat someones recommendation for a default setting from the other thread which was: Set Graphical EPG time interval to 30 mins as opposed to 15 mins. Not a big deal to change I know, but I would imagine most people use 30 min intervals?

28-02-14, 20:40
I must have some strange settings then guys cos it's always taken some time for the scan. If anyone wants to share their settings I would be grateful as well as the method they use to do the scan (not via timer).

28-02-14, 20:42
I must have some strange settings then guys cos it's always taken some time for the scan. If anyone wants to share their settings I would be grateful as well as the method they use to do the scan (not via timer).

I made a ABM tutorial some time ago with the settings i have always used ( I will update this for the new image as and when it's released as things have changed ever so slightly but for now the tutorial should show you how to go ).

It's available from the guides and tutorials section of www.openvix.co.uk

28-02-14, 20:47
Thanks phoenix, I will take a look at that shortly and report back, thank god the non HD version of ITV isn't missing or else I'd have a sore head, double corrie lol.. I

28-02-14, 20:51
oh god, i'd rather chew my own left arm off than watch that muck.

28-02-14, 21:08
Ha ha ha.. Well what a wolly I really am, I have been using the automatic satellite search instead of the Abm scan which quite rightly only took 2 minutes if that. However still have no ITV HD, once the search finished I pressed 103 on the remote, it said dvb service on my Receiver and then, hang on its just come back on WTF lol.. I swear that wasn't there a few minutes ago. Well my idea was a joke so please feel free to spare me from further embarrassment and delete this thread albeit it has helped me.

28-02-14, 21:12
Ha ha ha.. Well what a wolly I really am, I have been using the automatic satellite search instead of the Abm scan which quite rightly only took 2 minutes if that. However still have no ITV HD, once the search finished I pressed 103 on the remote, it said dvb service on my Receiver and then, hang on its just come back on WTF lol.. I swear that wasn't there a few minutes ago. Well my idea was a joke so please feel free to spare me from further embarrassment and delete this thread albeit it has helped me.

Lol tell me about it mate, i had my very own dumb newbie moment today trying to flash a Solo2 and wondering why it kept loading a old test image, until i realized i had left a stick in the rear port with a old image one. That was a proper face palm moment rite there, i can tell you.

28-02-14, 21:17
Lol.. So we both learnt a lesson today then mate? just when I thought I knew the setup inside out, schoolboy error lol..

28-02-14, 21:24
Lol.. So we both learnt a lesson today then mate? just when I thought I knew the setup inside out, schoolboy error lol..

yup, egg on face just does not come close LOL.

08-03-14, 14:48
isnt really settings as such but I would like to see webif layout improvements.


have the horizontal scroll bar at top and bottom, at bottom only is awkrawd.
change the stream icon is different to transcode.
move the stream/transcode icons to left on bouquets page to left next to channel name as currently hard to see if clicking right one.
on epg currently the categories require side scrolling, instead make it multi row and adapt to browser width so never need to side scroll.
on epg also try to do same for channels, to avoid side scrolling.

is vix 4.x discussion normally hidden? as seems its almost non existant on here.

09-03-14, 18:01
isnt really settings as such but I would like to see webif layout improvements.


have the horizontal scroll bar at top and bottom, at bottom only is awkrawd.
change the stream icon is different to transcode.
move the stream/transcode icons to left on bouquets page to left next to channel name as currently hard to see if clicking right one.
on epg currently the categories require side scrolling, instead make it multi row and adapt to browser width so never need to side scroll.
on epg also try to do same for channels, to avoid side scrolling.

is vix 4.x discussion normally hidden? as seems its almost non existant on here.

We have no control over the openweb Interface, its not made or maintained by us.

The reason you dont see any public ViX 4.0 discussions is because it has not yet been released, its still technically in the BETA stage until we feel ready to release it to the public, as such things change very rapidly so no point making posts about it just yet.

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