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View Full Version : BBC 1 hd

07-11-10, 09:02
Hi. I have the vix 1.2 image with bouquet downloaded off server. How do I get the BBC 1 hd channel that started recently?

07-11-10, 09:05
do a transponder scan and add it to your bouquet

07-11-10, 10:03
Hi. I have the vix 1.2 image with bouquet downloaded off server. How do I get the BBC 1 hd channel that started recently?

manual scan of : 10847 V 22000 3/4, then just add the new channel from your satilie list (it will be in the services part of 28 degrees east.)

07-11-10, 10:50
Have done scan and found channel. How do I add it to bouquet?

07-11-10, 12:15
Use either dreamedit or dreamset to do it via PC or go in to all the boquets and press menu and than add to boquet and select the one you want to add to - it normally adds it to the end of the list and you need to move it, again go to that boquet. menu press and select enable move

07-11-10, 19:40
Have done scan and found channel. How do I add it to bouquet?

whilst your in ALL channels, highlight the channel and press menu, your will see an option 'add', this will add it to the end of your current bouquet, you can use the menu move to move up/down the list (press 'OK' on the channel then use up/down the press ok when done. don't forgt to stop move mode when done (press menu, then disable move)