View Full Version : [XP1000] Deep sleep option?

24-02-14, 20:16
I have been having a few problems with my SF8HD so decided to wipe it and start over.

I use a harmony touch to control all my AV stuff inc the SF8. For some reason if i just use the normal standby mode when changing activity on the harmony it causes the SF8 to crash when its comes out of standby with the harmony.

Before i wiped i changed a setting so the SF8 goes into deepsleep instead of standby when shutting down but for the life of me i cant not find this setting now in the menus.

Can someone please point me in the right direction:p

24-02-14, 20:41
Menu -> Setup -> System -> Button setup -> Action on short power button press.

16-03-14, 12:59
Thanks for that.

Dont suppose you can think of any reason my Harmony remote causes the box to crash when coming out of normal standby mode. I have even teached my Harmony the power command off the original SF8 remote and this has not fixed it

16-03-14, 13:18
have you selected "do not set an input" for your STB when you created the Harmony activity? If you selected TV then Harmony sends TV button just after start and perhaps this is to fast.

btw. if the box crashes there should be a log file at /hdd/logs which might help to find the reason.


31-05-14, 17:33
i changed the activity to "do not set an input" for the STB but still happens.

Cant see any logs in that location. Using latest apollo version now

05-10-14, 14:08
Just to add to this one as well even after all this time i've still never managed to get my SF8 to come out of normal standby with my Harmony remote.

Only way is still put the box into deep sleep (And this sometimes kills recordings that are recording and i put the box into deep sleep....could be a setting to stop this but never found it yet)

No crash logs occur, harmony remote seems to put the box into standby fine but when i do my activity on the remote it turns the SF8 on but i get no picture or audio and cant do anything with the SF8 (Even with the normal remote) until i turn the switch off on the back.