View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Time shift prob and hdd sayes full

23-02-14, 00:52
Hi newbee here
Got my VU+ Duo from you at sat -world great service and speedy del I might add
I had my own hard drive 500G I thought ill be able to put that in , then I found out it has to be fat 32. Ok I sorted that out installed and got it up and running.Seen loads of video on youtube how to set up but they are blurd to fast or no sound and so small you cannot read it.
My problem is
If I try to pause live tv I get an error telling me I need EXT3 or 4
my other prob is sometimes the box will tell me that hdd is full:confused:
Hopefully once I have sorted out these issues I will make a video for the other Newbes
Thanks in advance for your help

23-02-14, 01:34
The HDD should not be fat 32, some people recommend that so it can easily be formatted in the box or for USB sticks for flashing images.
If you have it in fat 32, go to Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage devices -> Initialisation & initialise it there, this will leave you with a proper formatted EXT4 drive for use in any linux box.

23-02-14, 12:03
With the disk being in fat32 you'll be limited to a max recording file size of 4Gb. As said above initialise the disk in the box and hopefully your problems will go away.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

23-02-14, 12:37
You are the man :cool: Thank you so much