View Full Version : Cross epg problem

11-02-14, 11:05
I keep getting an error saying "error cannot open database" and error opening "epgdb"

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11-02-14, 14:48
Also all of my recordings r gone. Does anyone know what's going on?

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abu baniaz
11-02-14, 15:27
Can you see your HDD in list of mounted devices?

Do you have TsPanel installed by any chance?

11-02-14, 16:45
Yes and no

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14-02-14, 20:38

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abu baniaz
14-02-14, 21:26
Can you telnet the following command and report back

df -h

14-02-14, 21:54

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abu baniaz
14-02-14, 22:08
158 GB of your HDD is used up.

1. can you ftp to your receiver and check you still have the recordings?
2. When you go to what would have been the location of your recordings, what does it say at the top. Mine says

14-02-14, 22:18
There not there but I I reboot the box the comeback crossepg works but after about 10mins it's gone again

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abu baniaz
14-02-14, 22:33
Understood that recordings are not there. What does it say at the top of screen though? This is why i uploaded picture for you too see. I am trying to establish if you have lost a bookmark.

14-02-14, 22:38
It says media/hdd/ and that's it. There's nothing else

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abu baniaz
14-02-14, 22:54
You have not answered question 1 in post 8. The deafult location for recordings is /media/hdd/movie/ As you are in /media/hdd, no recordinsg were made there, that is why you are not seeing any. You need to verify whether they are still in the default location.

Anyway, with the remote press yellow for location and see if you can see/navigate to /media/hdd/movie/

14-02-14, 23:01
I did ftpand there is no recordings there. I can't navigate to media/hdd/movie and hdd/movie it says directory hdd/movie does not exist

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abu baniaz
14-02-14, 23:08
Try reflashing the latest image without restoring settings. If your issues with crossepg continue, you may have a HDD that is failing.

Sorry, can't help with the lost movies.

14-02-14, 23:22
OK thanks

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Rob van der Does
15-02-14, 06:42
I keep getting an error saying "error cannot open database" and error opening "epgdb"

Well, since you provide no info at all: how do you think anybody could possibly help you?

Sending out our emergency team to your place will be costly.....

15-02-14, 11:01
What. I did provide info. I don't know what u mean

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Rob van der Does
15-02-14, 12:07
Well, I re-read the thread again, and I can't find any.
1- what image do you use?
2- When does that error show?
3- What is your EPG-setup?

I'm truly sorry, but our crystal ball shows nothing :confused: