View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Vu Duo Crossepg doesnt run on schedule !

08-02-14, 22:40
Hi, i have Vu Duo running latest Vix 3.0 Build 808, have crossepg working fine when manually downloading epg its saved to hard drive i also created a swap file , i have it set to auto download at 7am but it doesnt seem do it , i also have a vu ultimo same settings and crossepg auto downloads fine ,

i even reflashed the whole image and set it backup, i do remember it worked before but now just cant get it to work

i tested at a time when box would be on and it auto downloaded fine, just wondering what i can do ? also is there a way so i can get box to come on like just before the crossepg is scheduled and then put it back into standby ?


08-02-14, 23:52
just checking mine as i thought i had set it up for auto download in cross epg setup but my enable csv import says no and scheduled download is disabled,show as plugin yes and show in extension yes meaning from the plugin i can manually download.you will have to change your first two if you want it done automatically.
i am using xmltv import config to do daily update at 8am and long descriptions for upto 7 days.
unsure if there were problems before with cross epg and told to use xmltv,hope this helps m8.

09-02-14, 08:00
You are best setting up a daily power timer to wakeup the duo, then set it so the abm runs, then the crossEPG etc, then put the box back into standby mode. What you will find with the Vu Solo and the Vu Duo is they struggle with the lack of memory. Also make sure the swap file is 256mb.


09-02-14, 11:39
just checking mine as i thought i had set it up for auto download in cross epg setup but my enable csv import says no and scheduled download is disabled,show as plugin yes and show in extension yes meaning from the plugin i can manually download.you will have to change your first two if you want it done automatically.
i am using xmltv import config to do daily update at 8am and long descriptions for upto 7 days.
unsure if there were problems before with cross epg and told to use xmltv,hope this helps m8.

Hi, i do have it on done automatically mate, i also have a vu ultimo which auto downloads it fine so i know the settings are right, the XMLTV importer works fine when auto download epg , but i prefer crossepg as it gets from dish and its always upto date, xmltv gets it from internet so can go down and sometimes it can have descriptions missing , with crossepg its always working

09-02-14, 11:48
You are best setting up a daily power timer to wakeup the duo, then set it so the abm runs, then the crossEPG etc, then put the box back into standby mode. What you will find with the Vu Solo and the Vu Duo is they struggle with the lack of memory. Also make sure the swap file is 256mb.


Hi, i have setup power timer now and see if it works, yes i have 256mb swap file, Thanks

09-02-14, 13:00
Hi, i did a test run and it seemed to work, only issue it turned the tv on :( , as i have HDMI CEC enabled which saves using tv remote !

09-02-14, 13:17
Disable HDMI-CEC. You will find that the remote will still work to turn the box off n tv etc.

09-02-14, 14:30
Disable HDMI-CEC. You will find that the remote will still work to turn the box off n tv etc.

tried that doesnt work, makes sense really if its disabled

10-02-14, 11:45
Hi, checked today and crossepg didnt run :( , it came out of standby fine and also ABM ran fine and went back into standby,

is there a way i can time crossepg downloader to run ?? using timers ?


11-02-14, 00:04
can you not set it up on scheduled download...once a day.....and schedule a time.all in crossepgsetup.

11-02-14, 07:04
Have you scheduled crossEPG to run via the settings. So for example power timer turns box on at 4am, ABM runs at 4:10am, crossEPG runs at 4:20am and power timer puts box into standby at 4:30am? These times are just for examples btw.

11-02-14, 21:04
can you not set it up on scheduled download...once a day.....and schedule a time.all in crossepgsetup.

Hi, already did that first, thats why i tried doing it other ways now

11-02-14, 21:08
Have you scheduled crossEPG to run via the settings. So for example power timer turns box on at 4am, ABM runs at 4:10am, crossEPG runs at 4:20am and power timer puts box into standby at 4:30am? These times are just for examples btw.

yes i did mate, still noting , i have a vu ultimo in which it autoupdates fine , guess will leave with it and manually run crossepg every few days , i did try openpli 4.0 just to test and that auto downloaded fine on schedule , that uses older crossepg, but much prefer vix so sticking with vix, also hear there will be a new vix anytime soon so will give that ago once released :) , i could try older build of vix 3.0 to test but aint bothered now

11-02-14, 21:49
Your best bet is re-flashing from scratch with latest ViX image, and setup as new, without any backups. I had a similar thing happen to my mates VU+ Duo where his crossEPG wasn't updating etc, but setting up as new fixed the issue. A corrupt file is the most likely cause. When you've set it all up, don't forget to setup 256mb swap file, power timers etc.

14-02-14, 00:31
think i figured it out , i did a auto schedule to run at a time i would be watching and it downloaded epg fine and also it did a defragment , then i re scheduled it at 7am and it did it fine, i think as its a backup i flashed first schedule run i need to do while im watching it then after its fine to run when ever you set it