View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Port forwarding with virginmedia.

06-02-14, 20:53
Hi all.
Can somebody who has a VU+Solo2 with a virginmedia hub please help me set up port forwarding properly as i am a bit lost with it all. I also have downloaded the VU+ Player app for my android phone but it asks for my Dynamic DNS, which I have no idea where to find on my virginmedia hub.

07-02-14, 08:11
For the vu app, use these settings:-
My settings are:
Receiver profile name solo2 (call it whatever you )*
Ip address (this is your box address ie etc)*
Dyn dns is
Port is 80
Username is root
Password is left blank

07-02-14, 12:08
Thanks lgleave22 got it working over my LAN now :)
Ive been told transcoding doesn't work in the build I have 808, but could someone still help me get my port forwarding set up correctly on my virginmedia hub so I could use it remotely to my 3G phone, if I decide to relash to build where transcoding works.