View Full Version : Bootloop on new VIX version

03-02-14, 17:38
I use a Edision Optimuss OS2 reciever and tried to update it with a new SW.
I used "Openvix-3.0.808-optimussos2_usb-734422".

Updating it via USB I got a bootloop which means that the percantage runs from 0 to 100%, picture gone, percantage runs from 0 to 100% etc.

Who can help ?

03-02-14, 17:41
We dont provide support or images for this receiver, in fact i have never even heard of it before reading this thread, best contact the person who built the image who ever that may be.

may i ask where you downloaded this image ? please pm me the link.

Rob van der Does
03-02-14, 18:00
You should ask help to the person/organisation who made or supplied you the image: it's not ours.

03-02-14, 18:37
After a little digging it seems this is the german OE version of the TM-Nano-2T receiver, while we dont officially build images for the optimuss os2 we do support the TM-Nano-2T and there have been no reports of issues with that receiver and the ViX 3.0-808 series image.

Try reflashing with a slightly older image and use the online update option from within the image it self. sadly thats about as far as we can go support wise as we have no way of knowing how / if the image has been modified for the optimuss series receivers.

abu baniaz
04-02-14, 01:18
Might be better to try the OpenATV images for it.

04-02-14, 07:58
Thanks for your reply.

In my opinion there is a connection to this problem : :cool:

By they way, I also use the forum of
http://sat-soft.net/forum/index.php :D

Generally I`m really satisfied with the VIX appart from the issue that there is no update possible.:rolleyes:
I had some bad experiences with ATV so I went to VIX in the past. Bad experiences especially with the HD01 card for HD+.

04-02-14, 08:39
Thanks for your reply.

In my opinion there is a connection to this problem : :cool:

By they way, I also use the forum of
http://sat-soft.net/forum/index.php :D

Generally I`m really satisfied with the VIX appart from the issue that there is no update possible.:rolleyes:
I had some bad experiences with ATV so I went to VIX in the past. Bad experiences especially with the HD01 card for HD+.

That was a problem with build 549 and was resolved well over a year ago, it has no bearing on your current problems. as i said the main issue here is that we dont officially provide support for the optimuss branded receivers, they have been built by a third party and as such we cant provide support for them.

04-02-14, 18:02
In my opionion the TM-Nano-2T receiver and the optimuss OS2 is the same.
According to google it seams the same.
Do you think it`s a big risc to use the TM-Nano-2T receiver SW and give him a try ?

04-02-14, 18:08
From what i can gather they are essentially the same receiver, which is how they were able to build the image for the optimuss. you could try extracting a TM-Nano-2T image then copy the update folder to your USB stick but it's a risk that you will have to weigh up your self. please be aware that we cant endorse this action and wont be held responsible if something goes wrong.

07-03-14, 11:36
Any new regarding the bootloop story ? Any updates available ? :confused:

07-03-14, 11:40
As I have said elsewhere, there will be no further updates to ViX 3.0, please be patient until we release OpenViX Zeus.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

07-03-14, 12:58
Same problem on optimuss OS 1.Went back to PLI image on that box.More info on this
This is the forum for the edision OS1/2

07-03-14, 14:44
DO you know if on the PLI Image also the HD Plus card (white one) is working ? And if yes, what is necessary to make in work ?

07-03-14, 14:50
maybe as that question on that forum.I personaly wouldn't know cause I use the box only as second box.