View Full Version : Menu / channel list appearing without warning

02-02-14, 23:07
I'm running VIX 3.0 on my Gigablue Quad.

Every so often and without warning while I'm watching the TV the channel list will appear of it's own accord.

All I need to do is hit exit and it's gone, but has anyone else had this happen? And more importantly...anyone know how to fix it?

02-02-14, 23:28
Very likely a HDMI CEC issue, try turning it off from both the TV and receiver.

03-02-14, 00:04
If you don't have HDMI CEC enabled, can you go to Menu -> Plugins -> red button -> systemplugins -> hdmicec & remove it.
Reboot the box & let us know if the issue is fixed.
As it's a random issue, can take a while to see it this works & more people to try it...

03-02-14, 22:49
Many thanks!
I'll give that a go and let you know how it works

06-02-14, 23:03
So I've turned off HDMI and deleted the plugin....problem still there....menu still popping up without warning.

Any other idea's?

07-02-14, 00:00
Has to be driver issues so & out of our control.
Try reporting it to GB.
Removing the plugin has worked for me so far on the Quad though, however I'm testing using newer drivers on test image builds.