View Full Version : Solo shows spinner for about 15 mins and then restarts itself - logfille

01-02-14, 21:04
Vix version 3.0
Build 808
Re-flash tried ? - Yes

On a few occasions Lately, my solo has been stuck with the spinner in the corner. The current channel keeps playing but I cant change the channel or do anything from the remote. Normally, I just reset the box from the button on the back.
Today, I re-flashed image 808 and around 6 hours later, the box froze again. But this time, I waited it out and after about 15 mins, the box seemed to reset itself. However, it didn't show the normal 'reboot' message. The screen went black and then it showed the channel infobar and then the channel starting showing (like it does in the final stages of a normal reboot) The channel was BBC1 and I had been watching ITV before the box froze.

The attached logfile seemed to be generated around the time of the reboot- can anybody see where the problem might be ?

After the box rebooted, I had to change the channel to get the sound.
I checked the memory stats before and after changing channels
Before After
Total memory 106244
Free memory 10940 12356
Buffers 672 88
Cached 6224 5560
Total swap 16380
Free swap 4488 4944
Total Flash 100.5
Free Flash 28.2 28.2

I have a swap file on the USB stick.
I have picons on the USB stick.
I do not have a Cross EPG scheduled download. (the solo refreshes it's EPG from the Duo in the other room)
The only non-system plugins I have is Openwebif

03-02-14, 21:02
I was looking into this a bit more and discovered what might be a potential cause of the problem.
The solo is networked to a duo in the other room and the solo uses the duo hdd as hdd replacement.
I had set up a swap file on the solo usb stick. However, when i checked the swap file manager, the swap place is /media/hdd/swapfile. This means that both the solo and the duo swap files are pointing to the same file - I wonder if there is some kind of a contention there ?
I guess, I'll disable the duo swap file and see if that fixes the problem.
However, I just cant get the solo to point to the usb for the swap file. I have disabled the HDD mount and then the swap files reverts to to the usb. However, as soon as I enable the HDD mount again, the swap file automatically switches back to the HDD (duo). Starnge.