View Full Version : Hdmi Cec setup

19-01-14, 22:22
Hi all I have a solo2 running on vix 3.0 build 808
Just wondering how to setup up Hdmi Cec so when I turn on the solo2 the tv recognises Hdmi 1 and displays the channel on the solo2 without having to press av on the remote.

I had black hole 2.0.8 image on the solo 2 and had it setup like this
Press tv
The tv and solo 2 both switched on and Hdmi was recognised and displayed the last channel I was watching.

19-01-14, 22:31
Menu -> Setup -> System -> HDMI CEC

19-01-14, 22:45
I've been in there and all setup tv and the solo2 comes on but the tv does not see the Hdmi
I have it set to switch tv to correct input but it doesn't work. Strange as this worked on black hole

19-01-14, 22:51
I've been in there and all setup tv and the solo2 comes on but the tv does not see the Hdmi
I have it set to switch tv to correct input but it doesn't work. Strange as this worked on black hole

Have you got it set up properly?
if so try clear fixed-set fixed-green button.

19-01-14, 23:04
I have it setup like this32040

19-01-14, 23:21
Have you any HDMI CEC sync settings on your TV?

19-01-14, 23:29
I have it setup like this32040

you need to SET FIXED..then save by pressing green button

19-01-14, 23:30
I have it setup like this32040

you need to SET FIXED press yellow on remote..then save by pressing green button

20-01-14, 00:02
That worked a treat thanks for your help