View Full Version : Box locking up

15-01-14, 11:16

Lads /Girls

I am having an issue with my box just randomly freezing (box not responsive in any way) and needing a hard reset or leave the box for 10 minutes and the box reboots itself. I do have the latest vix build 25/12/13 and no HDD is installed in the box as I am using a network recording share for my recordings to a dell r410 server running windows server 2012R2 and I have configured the HDD to never sleep. I have changed the HDMI cable and uninstall the HDMI CEC plugin but still it locks up. The box sits around 39 degrees so i don't thinks a overheating issue. When the box restarts it has lost its network Settings.

Any ideas of what could be going on.


Mr. Mister
15-01-14, 12:21
Any crash logs in your box.. ?

If yes.. please upload them here..

If not.. I would just reflash the box again with build 808 and do not use any back ups..

14-03-14, 18:24
Sorry for the very late response. I have now removed the network share and have installed a HDD internally and I have also upgraded to the latest firmware 808 and it didn't lock up for a couple of days but now it is at it again (picture will freeze but sound will continue then the box will restart itself in about 10 mins) every day on both free to air channels and premium channels but I have noticed that it seems to happen more often when the box is recording or watching a recording. I have tried different HDD's and network cables and usb drives but it still does this. I don't get any logs as it completely locks up and I physical need to turn off the power to the box.

Any other ideas would be a great help.


14-03-14, 19:49
Can you reflash with the latest Zeus Image, v003?

17-03-14, 12:52
I had the same probles even in other images. (openspa 3.0, blackhole) openvix 3.0 build 808.
I thougth i was a problem temp but i configured fancontrol 2 and vusolo2 is 34 ªC max. So i do not think its is a temp/heat problem
No crashlog file found, juest it seemes enigma2 freezes. Do not respond to any IR remote control, but i can telnet the box.
The freezes were totally random in time
Yesterday i flashed new Zeux 003 image. Will monitor and see it it freezes

17-03-14, 20:25
Just because you have removed th network share from you box, is something on your box trying to access or scan the hard drive?

Rob van der Does
17-03-14, 20:57
Or disconnect the LAN cable and see how you go from there.

18-03-14, 17:07
Yesterday all time in afternoon and no freezes with zeus 003. Will still monitor.

20-03-14, 20:22
I installed Zeus v003, unfortunately the box locked up today while watching a recording on the internal hdd, also this locking up of the box also happens even when there is no hdd installed. I have since moved the box to a different position below the TV. Is it possible the box could be experiencing interference my modem, Wirelss router and switching equipment as this is located right beside the box, I will monitor and keep you informed. If the box locks up again I will remove the Ethernet cable and monitor that scenario too.


23-03-14, 14:19
I have tried all scenarios now and still the box just freezes randomly on free to air channels and premium channels and requires a hard reset. Is it possible this could be a hardware defect as I am thinking of sending the box back and asking for an replacement.:mad::mad::mad:


24-03-14, 11:58
Yesterday i spent the hole afternoon wathchig premium channels and no freezes whit Zeux 008. Whith Zeux 003 twice the box freezes and in logs it juist freezed just after an harware clock sync with ntp. It down kwon if my cam (mgcamd) just did not prpperly manages hardware clock new syncs so i configured the date time whith transponder time and not with ntp y enigma options. Also i read tha in version 008 or 007 new drivers for solo2 where realeased so i dont kwnow if this wouls fix the problem.

Yesterday i recorded fom 12:00 to 14:30 to hdd whiout problems (enigma2 in stanby mode whith no video to TV). And the whole afternoon till 17:00- 23:30 whithout freeze.

Will still monitor.

Rob van der Does
24-03-14, 12:02
Please, please, spend some time on checking your spelling before and after posting, and use a spelling checker. Your post is very hard to read.

24-03-14, 12:36

Yesterday i spent the hole afternoon wathching premium channels and no freezes whit Zeux 008. With Zeux 003 twice the box froze and in logs, it just froze after doing a hardware clock sync with ntp. It down know if my cam (mgcamd) just did not properly manages hardware clock new syncs so i configured the date time with transponder time and not with ntp y enigma options. Also i read that in version 008 or 007 new drivers for solo2 where released so i don’t know if this would fix the problem.

Yesterday i recorded from 12:00 to 14:30 to hdd without problems (enigma2 in standby mode with no video to TV). And the whole afternoon till 17:00- 23:30 without freeze.

Will still monitor.

Rob van der Does
24-03-14, 12:44
OK, so now on build 008 all is fine I understand.

24-03-14, 12:51
it seems ok

01-12-14, 00:09
Hi, I have a solo2 box and it has randomly started freezing,

my problem is identical to the original posters, I started getting the issue on build 088 so I done a fresh install of build 090 and I did not install any plugins etc but I still get the random freeze but sound still continues. like him l have tried everything possible, i have tried a new hdmi cable , ethernet cable and tried disconnecting the hdd, system temperature is ok at 31º did the op ever resolve this ?

Any advice greatly appreciated

Rob van der Does
01-12-14, 07:08
Is this on live-TV or recordings?
If live-TV: on FTA the same as on scrambled services?

01-12-14, 08:30
Hi rob, it happens at totally random times, on FTA and while viewing recordings, sometimes once a day , others two and three times a day

Rob van der Does
01-12-14, 09:45
I once had this issue and it turned out to be a faulty LNB.
See if both tuners present the same issue (set 'preferred tuner' to "A" to use tuner A and change 'preferred tuner' to "B" to use tuner B).
Allow sufficient time to be sure the issue is (not) there.

01-12-14, 10:12
Ok rob l will try this and report back, thanks ;)

11-12-14, 22:27
Update / resolution on freezing issue

I continued doing various tests including the ones suggested by rob, all with no success, no matter what I did i was still getting the random freeze issue. So I took the box to a mates house and ran it for a few days, there was no issues. this told me it had to be either my dish, feed cables or broadband,
I got another mate who is a sat installer to check my dish, and lnb and there was no problem, I also visibly checked my cables which I was happy with.so I narrowed it down to my broadband,

A few weeks ago virmin offer me a discount and new superhub which I agreed to, l was using it for a while with no problems, now all of a sudden i was getting random freezeing. After further testing and keeping an extra close eye on the internet, and super hub, I noticed the super hub was trying to change speed from 2.4 ghz to 5.0ghz randomly and this coincided with the freeze,

BINGO, found the problem!, so it seems ( in my case at least ) the vu+ boxes are either not compatible with the 5.0ghz speed on the superhub or cant deal with the change in speed. I have since accessed the not so superhub and manually turned off the 5.0ghz off and now no freezing for a few days and the box is running smoothly.

Hope this info can be of some help to others.:)

11-12-14, 22:37
Is Your Box On Wi-fi???

11-12-14, 22:47
No its hard wired, but somehow when the superhub was trying to up speed it was causing the solo2 to freeze

12-12-14, 00:14
If you connected receiver with LAN cable - WiFi band not affect your Vu+ Solo2 receiver.
When use WiFi stick no difference which WiFi band you use (2.4 or 5)
My router (Huawei HG635) at same time fine working with LAN and both WiFi bands.
Vu+ Solo2 fine working on LAN and on WiFi (I use TP Link USB stick).
Maybe something wrong in your settings.

12-12-14, 09:01
Firstly as said I am not using wifi, and am using lan cable, if you have ever used the super hub you would see that it is a combination modem/ router, the setup options are really simple, theres not much you can change.I have been testing this for weeks now and identified this as definitely the issue. When the super hub decides it can up speed at any random time it causes the box to freeze, if i manually turn off 5.0 ghz option then box runs perfect, its simple as that.

Consetts Geordie
07-09-16, 19:09
This seems to be a common fault with the vu+ solo2. I tried everything that you have tried with my solo2 and my box still freezes up. Eventually gave up and bought a new box. Four different members of my family have solo2 boxes at different addresses and they are all having the same problem, has put me off buying a VU+ box.

07-09-16, 19:24
This seems to be a common fault with the vu+ solo2. I tried everything that you have tried with my solo2 and my box still freezes up. Eventually gave up and bought a new box. Four different members of my family have solo2 boxes at different addresses and they are all having the same problem, has put me off buying a VU+ box.

Lol, never heard so much noncense. Theres literally 1000's of solo2's out there, this is the first ever thread I've read about anything like this. Most likely somekind of setup error and are u 100% sure you have genuine vu? Too easy the blame the box than find what is actually wrong....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-09-16, 05:37
This seems to be a common fault with the vu+ solo2. I tried everything that you have tried with my solo2 and my box still freezes up. Eventually gave up and bought a new box. Four different members of my family have solo2 boxes at different addresses and they are all having the same problem, has put me off buying a VU+ box.

I agree with Sicilian. The Vu+ Solo2 is a rock solid receiver. I have helped setup many of these for family and friends with no issues. Most likely error setting up on your part n your family's too.
Have you tried taking the ethernet cable out and tried viewing the tv to see if the freezing is internet related?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-09-16, 10:30
This seems to be a common fault with the vu+ solo2. I tried everything that you have tried with my solo2 and my box still freezes up. Eventually gave up and bought a new box. Four different members of my family have solo2 boxes at different addresses and they are all having the same problem, has put me off buying a VU+ box.

Definitive is a temp problem. I had configure fancontrol to min speed 1100 rpm and min temp to 33 Celsius and no problem, but only fan noisy