View Full Version : Upgrade Advice

11-01-14, 22:34
Hello people thanks for having me on your forum, just joined today and already I've been inspired to upgrade my Skybox f5s by what I've read on various threads, seems I could have made a better decision on my first box and it seems that the adage of buy cheap, buy twice may be appropriate, so any recommendations on what I should go with as an upgrade would be appreciated.

My biggest bugbear with the f5 is the naff epg, or rather its the missus's biggest bugbear so to keep in her good books I've narrowed it down to a possible of three boxes to go for. These three look like they may fill my needs but if anyone can point out any negatives before I jump in and buy it would be appreciated :)

vu+ duo
technomate nano - 2t

In an ideal world Id probably go with the VU+ Ultimo but until I win the lotto I'm looking sub £200.

11-01-14, 23:15
I'd go with the VU+ Duo. Vu plus are built with quality in mind. You won't go wrong with this box. You planning to add a hdd?

12-01-14, 00:13
I'd go with the VU+ Duo. Vu plus are built with quality in mind. You won't go wrong with this box. You planning to add a hdd?

Yes I think so, I have a dongle in the back of the Skybox but the cat tends to sleep on the TV unit because of the warmth and I think its only a matter of time before he mullers it when he's jumping up.

12-01-14, 00:41
I'd almost toss a coin between the VU Duo & the TM Nano 2T at this stage.
TM have been playing a catch up game with VU for a long time now & their new range of boxes are finally getting there.

Saying that, both are using older generation processors at this stage, if you can up your budget to the VU Solo2 range or the GB Quad, you might save another few £ before you want to upgrade again...

12-01-14, 00:51
Also the VU remotes (the most used piece of kit) if you're planning on using original remote, beats any other box.
Might not be the same for the Uno, but for the Solo, Duo, Solo2, still my favourite remote. Just has the proper weight & easy button press IMO.
I'm not keen on the little squashed buttons on GB & TM remotes...

12-01-14, 00:54
I've got the solo2 and the nano2. I prefer the Nano.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

12-01-14, 01:00
I've got the solo2 and the nano2. I prefer the Nano.

Why, surely the Solo2 works a lot faster?

12-01-14, 01:04
Why, surely the Solo2 works a lot faster?

To be honest in normal use there is very little in it. Technomate seems better made to me and does everything I want it to and was good value from the sponsor.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

12-01-14, 01:09
To be honest in normal use there is very little in it. Technomate seems better made to me and does everything I want it to and was good value from the sponsor.

Agree, in normal use, little difference should be noticed. Still prefer VU remote & speed of Solo2 though... Just a personal opinion.
Both boxes pretty good value from the forum sponsor at the moment.

12-01-14, 01:56
Agree, in normal use, little difference should be noticed. Still prefer VU remote & speed of Solo2 though... Just a personal opinion.
Both boxes pretty good value from the forum sponsor at the moment.

Pretty much horses for courses at the minute then. Id love to go balls to the wall and get one of the £400 boxes but that's out of my price range! I got caught up in the core wars on mobile phones and went from single > double > quad just because but at end of day there was nothing I could do on the quad that I couldn't do on the double!

12-01-14, 11:02
Yes I think so, I have a dongle in the back of the Skybox but the cat tends to sleep on the TV unit because of the warmth and I think its only a matter of time before he mullers it when he's jumping up.

Pussy will ensure all the circuits of the box are kept warm, more so with an hdd. So much so you may end up with a scorched pussy and a duff box.:)

12-01-14, 15:49
Pussy will ensure all the circuits of the box are kept warm, more so with an hdd. So much so you may end up with a scorched pussy and a duff box.:)

Oooooh matron....that would be no use to anyone!

I think I will go with the VU+ as aesthetically its a nicer looking box imo. The nano-2t reminds me of the old NTL Cable boxes back in the 90s.

12-01-14, 16:24
If you can stretch an extra £80 or so then the VU* Solo2 wins hands down, pisses all over the nano n quad in my opinion. Vu plus are quality boxes, built to last, that counts for a lot these day. :D

12-01-14, 16:58
Also have a look at the venton and gigablue twin tuners. Goid value for the money.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

15-01-14, 10:14
went with a VU+ Solo2 in the end, a million times better than my F5s, brilliant epg, easy to setup & install plugins, very very impressed! thanks for your advice :D