View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] movie files on usb hard drive wont play

11-01-14, 00:12

i have a 500gig usb hard drive attached to my vu solo receiver i tryed to play a movie on it tonight but it will not run any it shows the films in the listing and when selected it show the movie time but thats all i have a blank screen. i have tryed all settings media/hdd media/usb media.sda1 without resolve rebooted untold time.
In the end i have reflashed down to image 800 and no problem drive is working fine and the movies i was selecting are working ok now is there a bug in the 808 build as since i have been on that build i have experienced quite a few problems including CCcam problems too just seems like 808 and solo are not a match made in heaven right now. I will stay on 800 until such times a newer build thats ok is up and running
By the way not logs were created by the receiver when this happens also note when backing out from blank screen i hit the pause and stop buttons this gave a spinner vix icon that just kept spinning in the end i was forced to shutdown via the reset button

11-01-14, 00:22
In the end i have reflashed down to image 800 and no problem drive is working fine and the movies i was selecting are working ok now is there a bug in the 808 build as since i have been on that build i have experienced quite a few problems including CCcam problems too just seems like 808 and solo are not a match made in heaven right now.
Not that i'm aware of, first time I've seen this reported.
Also, what Cccam problems did you have? if it was a general issue, I'd expect to see loads of reports.

By the way not logs were created by the receiver when this happens also note when backing out from blank screen i hit the pause and stop buttons this gave a spinner vix icon that just kept spinning in the end i was forced to shutdown via the reset button
Please enable debug logs, these will give us a much better idea of whats actually happening.
Menu -> Setup -> System -> Logs -> Settings -> Enable debug log = yes.

11-01-14, 01:27
with CCcam im using my local card in the receiver its never been inside a s*y receiver but receives updates ok however due to s*y card pairing it seems to get frozen some days worst than others i have set the CCcam check to 2mins but still the card hangs not so sure another script is needed to check this

debug log has been enabled but non play of movies is not creating any log nor did the spinning vix icon when it happend.

11-01-14, 01:43
Have you tried oscam? no problems with cccam here, but might be worth a try.
I'm using both on all my boxes at the moment, all without issue.

The debug log should show the steps before any spinner is displayed, open one & search for 'spinner'