View Full Version : problems with initial install

10-01-14, 21:27
Hi all

got my new box this morning - was v excited - but having a nightmare setting it up.

Followed the excellent guides on here - flashed the latest open vix image, that worked fine.

Now - here is where it gets weird - i run the satellite scan and it picks up over 900 channels - so from all the threads i have read that means that the dish and cable are ok.

but... when the scan finishes - i dont get any channels at all - just the home image screen.:confused:

the fact that its picking up 900+ channels in the scan made me think it's not a faulty box and maybe something that I'm doing stupidly.

I've done factory resets - jsut put a slightly older image on now - to see if that helps and am waiting the age it takes to scan....

The other reason that I dont think the box is faulty - when i was intiially setting it up - for some reason (can't remember why - its been a long day) I selected the sattelite to 19.XX (cant remember which ) when i did this the freesat played fine and i had channels etc

but now i've gone back to 28.2E Eutelsat 28A & Astra 1N/2A/2F DVB-S - its just being weird

any advice please?? i'm really really pulling my hair out!

10-01-14, 21:35
I had a similar problem adter i updated my image with the internal software update. What fixed it for me was to flash the box with the latest image, also make sure you're flashing it with the correct image for your box

10-01-14, 21:37
Appreciate the swift reply.

I've tried 3.0.808 and 3.0.806 from here

am I being really slow? that's definitely the right image for the box?

once the scan finishes - the tv should just show shouldnt it? I'm not missing something silly?

10-01-14, 21:38
press the tv button at the bottom right of your remote

10-01-14, 21:40
press the tv button at the bottom right of your remote

5 hours
6 hours
6 hours

an i missed that

don't want to get off on the wrong footing - as i've just joined the forum - but i could kiss you.....

10-01-14, 21:41
Sounds like you just need to press the TV button to see a last scanned bouquet, all your last scanned channels will be in there.

Why not just run the inbuilt ABM, Menu -> Setup -> Service Searching -> AutoBouquetsMaker so that all your channels for 28.2 are listed in sky like sections.

10-01-14, 21:43
5 hours
6 hours
6 hours

an i missed that

don't want to get off on the wrong footing - as i've just joined the forum - but i could kiss you.....

I did it myself mate, don't worry about it. When you in there you may only see bouquets of last scanned and maybe favourites, next you need to set up your auto bouquet maker (ABM) and then your cross epg. I'll go find the thread for you.

10-01-14, 21:45
After running ADM follow the link below


10-01-14, 22:07
Thanks so much - made my day!

Will spend some time tonight happily configuring and asking better questions (I hope!) happier!

10-01-14, 22:17
Thanks so much - made my day!

Will spend some time tonight happily configuring and asking better questions (I hope!) happier!

10-01-14, 22:58
ok - other things - that i'm struggling to find...

- channel numbers - i cant get these up?
- can you do series link recording?
- Is there a guide for setting up the recordings tab (so it looks more user friendly - at the moment its a bit like a computer rather than sky/virgin)
- recording settings - generally - any useful places on these?
- any other recommended guides on these - i'm a total noob, have read around but know that they can be configured really well. And I want to get more out of it!
- is there an equivalent to the "info" button

Generaly happy with the box - (NOW!) will be amazing if i can customise it a bit more

10-01-14, 23:03
Press up button when your watching a channel Then press Menu, change top setting to yes ..

All the guides you need are under the "QUICK SUPPORT MENU" on this forum Its up there slightly to your right and click on Vix guides ;)

10-01-14, 23:06
1) Which screens do you want channel numbers on?
2) yes, it's called autotimers. Can easily be accessed by EPG, then blue button.
3) not sure what you are reffering to as the recordings tab?
4) menu -> setup -> system -> recording settings
5) look on http://openvix.co.uk for general guides
6) OK button press x 2 is the equivalent of the info button, you need to set it up how you like. menu -> setup -> system -> user interface -> settings -> show second infobar

10-01-14, 23:14
Press up button when your watching a channel Then press Menu, change top setting to yes ..

All the guides you need are under the "QUICK SUPPORT MENU" on this forum Its up there slightly to your right and click on Vix guides ;)

brilliant - will get onto it

11-01-14, 01:09
spent some time on the guides - however, think i need the more noddy ones.

Eg - how do i make the recordings that I've made format better;
- which skins to choose
- why i dont seem to have a vix plug in
- which plugins are good to go for

All the guides in the section above - are for cool stuff that i'll get onto in due course - but i have to get the basics sorted so that i can cancel my virgin contract and convince the wife this is as easy to use as her v+ box. We only every watched the free chanels anyway so it was just a waste of money - and this looks like it could be so much better than v+ ...

so basically - are there are any more simple guides out there? don't want to be one of those annoying people that asks basic questions all the time - Ive spent an hour this evening reading through guides - but nothing as basic as i need at this stage!

11-01-14, 01:38
The guides on http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Guides%20and%20Tutorials/ are about as basic as you can get.

Why do you want to change format of recordings?
Why are you trying to play with skins if you want to get the basics working first? Stick with the default skin, then when you're happy with using the functionality of the box, try different skins. All in the plugins menu.
ViX isn't a plugin, it's an image.

11-01-14, 08:52
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I don't want to change format of recordings. I wanted to change the interface of how it looked. At the moment it is like a pc but as wife needs to use it, I was seeing if there was something that looked better.

Hence thinking of skins, I've rooted my phone and done custom roms, and used xbmc in the past so didn't think changing skin was a big deal.

When I was trying to find out more about skins, there was a thread that said that there was a plugin called vix plugin which was best place to go for skins, as the skins section within plugin was more general and not all will work properly, is what the thread was saying. which is what I meant by the above, I appreciate that vix is an image.

Basically, my aims are different, I'm just trying to make it as user friendly and polished as possible on the core stuff, so it is like my virgin box but better, this is so rest of the family can use it.

Once that's done the more fun features will get explored!!

Cheers guys

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

11-01-14, 09:30
What is meant by via plug in I think is, menu, plugins, green button to download, skins. Play around with the different options, you will soon find one which works for you. Bear in mind there are some that aren't found here but using the search box top right you can type skins in and find others. I use Nou HD skin which you will find on this forum, Imo the best one so far.

Any more help just ask..don't be shy in asking for help, we were all newbies at one time or another. Having said that, 9 times out of 10 the answer you are looking for would have been asked before so please do use the search option first.

11-01-14, 09:44
You need to restart the sat box for the scanned channels to show!!!!

11-01-14, 11:25
What is meant by via plug in I think is, menu, plugins, green button to download, skins. Play around with the different options, you will soon find one which works for you. Bear in mind there are some that aren't found here but using the search box top right you can type skins in and find others. I use Nou HD skin which you will find on this forum, Imo the best one so far.

Any more help just ask..don't be shy in asking for help, we were all newbies at one time or another. Having said that, 9 times out of 10 the answer you are looking for would have been asked before so please do use the search option first.

Thanks, appreciate it

I'm going to try out the skin you recommend - been looking for an install guide but havent found one! but it seems easy enough - it extracts to USR folder - do i just ftp that whole usr folder onto the box? or should i drill down and do the component bits?

if i do this in filezilla - will it just merge the existign folder? and therefore be easy to swich back to the stock skin (and do this via the box rather than ftp?)

EDIT - all sorted - i bit the bullet and it was simple! nice skin - will do some more looking at it - but am supposed to be working now!