View Full Version : Brand new, No hdmi, nothing!!

07-01-14, 19:30
Can someone help me please?

I just bought a quad from the forum sponsor, got it home, plugged it in and attempted to set it up. I've no hdmi output (I checked all the cables etc) and can't seem to alter the language away from French!!

It was preflashed with the vix image.
I'm getting so frustrated. Help!!

07-01-14, 19:33
If it was me I'd try flashing it again its possible something went wrong with the previous flash.

07-01-14, 19:41
ok, so flash with the latest vix image yes?

Mr. Mister
07-01-14, 19:42
One thing is for sure.. If the sponsor flashed the box then it was in perfect working order when you received it..

I know this sounds stupid.. But can you check the HDMI connection on box and TV.. ( Box fully powered off ) and boot up the box..

Even try a different HDMI port on your TV..

If that does not work.. Could you change the HDMI cable.. ?? ( Again.. Box powered of ) and reboot..

Go to >>>HERE<<< (http://openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=GiGaBlue-HD-QUAD/)

Download Build 808.. and fresh flash the box..

Please report back to let us know how you get on..

07-01-14, 19:44
You can also find a upto date flashing tutorial for this receiver in the Guides and tutorials section on www.openvix.co.uk if you do decide to reflash the receiver.

07-01-14, 20:03

I've so far had nothing but good service from the sponser so please don't think I'm digging at him.

The hdmi cable (2 of them) are in the wall so no way to change them, however they are working perfectly with sly box and xbox so i doubt it's them.

I'll try reflashing with build 808

07-01-14, 20:22
Make sure both tv and receiver are both off at the mains before connecting. Hdmi can be strange sometimes

08-01-14, 00:50

Sorry for the late reply but i did manage to sort this.Turns out after 3.5 hours of scratching my head that the box seems to have a slightly dicky hdmi socket! It needed a little wiggling and placing in the sweet spot to work.

Not something I'm going to whinge about as when its in the spot, it's unlikely to move!

Thanks again.