View Full Version : Motorised setup for second Quad

06-01-14, 15:15
I am going to install my second Quad and this time with motorised setup. I have only setup a fixed 28.2 dish prior to this so maybe a bit green on what configuration the installation should be.

As I will be using my existing twin coax from my redundant tuner, I assume that one cable goes to the LNB via the motor and the other cable goes direct to the LNB. My question is do you setup the motor on Tuner A and does those settings get updated to Tuner B automatically. Alternatively can you set up the Tuners independantly so Tuner A is reading my existing fixed 28.2 dish and Tuner B is setup for the multiple satellite motorised dish. Any advise would be much appreciated

06-01-14, 15:24
Normaly tuner b will be set as second cable of tuner a ,but you can have tuner a to the fixed dish and tuner b to the motor also , depends what way you want to work it 2 dishes or 1

06-01-14, 15:33
Hi stevejo
Thanks for the reply, if anyone has any further thoughts that would be good, like would the ABM on the VIX image that I will be installing cater for multiple sats and a fixed sat independant tuners.

abu baniaz
06-01-14, 16:07
Note: Treat hardware as separate from configuration in receiver settings. Yes, receiver settings must match the hardware setup. There will always be a cable from motor to LNB on motorised dish, not always direct.

Simplest Option:
One cable to 28.2 dish. One cable to motor
1st tuner set as simple, single 28.2. 2nd tuner as loop through tuner 1
3rd tuner set as simple, positioner, usals. 4th tuner set as loop through to tuner 3.

Without running extra cable option:
One cable to 28.2 dish.
Combine 28.2 with motorised using diseqc switch. See this guide http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?22414-How-to-combine-a-fixed-and-a-motorised-dish-to-one-coax
1st tuner set as simple, single 28.2. 2nd tuner as loop through to tuner 1
3rd tuner set as in guide. Not sure if you can use loop through on tuner 4.

Running Extra cable (shot gun or two singles) and using twin LNB on motor option.
Two cables to 28.2 dish to tuners 1&2. One cable to motor, one cable directly to twin LNB on motorised dish.
1st tuner set as simple, single 28.2. 2nd tuner set as simple, single 28.2.
3rd tuner set as simple, positioner, usals. 4th tuner set as 2nd cable from motorised dish.

06-01-14, 16:14
Hi stevejo
Thanks for the reply, if anyone has any further thoughts that would be good, like would the ABM on the VIX image that I will be installing cater for multiple sats and a fixed sat independant tuners.I use catseyes list and ABM for 28e if you install catseyes first the set ABM to keep all bouquets when you scan catseyes list will remain

06-01-14, 16:46
Hi Abu

Initially I will only have the two factory installed tuners. More plugin tuners will be added later, so I either set one tuner for fixed and the other motorised or both tuners to motorised for first install.

abu baniaz
06-01-14, 18:19
Hi Abu
Initially I will only have the two factory installed tuners. More plugin tuners will be added later, so I either set one tuner for fixed and the other motorised or both tuners to motorised for first install.
Unless you have two motors, you can not have both tuners as motorised.

My setup is as follows,

Without running extra cable option, two tuners:
One cable to 28.2 dish.
Combine 28.2 with motorised using diseqc switch and conect to 2nd tuner. See this guide http://www.world-of-satellite.com/sh...sh-to-one-coax
1st tuner set as simple, single 28.2.
2nd tuner set as in guide.

06-01-14, 23:46
Hi, so if you had 4 tuners you would need 4 motors? That does not sound right

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abu baniaz
07-01-14, 00:03
I did not say you need four motorised dishes if you have four tuners. Don't knwo where we reacghed that confusion. The golden rule is tuner config must match what is actually attached to it.

For arguments sake, hardware is.
1 x motorised dish connected to tuner B.
1 x fixed dish connected to tuner A.

Software is.
Tuner A is configured as motorised. This is wrong, but lets go with it.
Tuner B is configured as motorised.

Motorised dish is moved to say 13E. A recording is started, tuner B is now occupied. You then want to view another channel on a different transponder/satellite, lets say 19e. The receiver will treat it as you have told it. You will get a tune failed because it can't move a fixed dish. However, whilst tuner B is occupied and you want to watch a chanenl on 28.2, although the dish connected to tuner At is not motorised, it should work.

07-01-14, 00:15
Hi Abu, apologies from the description that's what it implied to me. Ok, locks like my fixed dish on tuner A and motor on tuner B is the only viable solution. Thanks for you support. I will post my findings when I get the equipment set up.

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07-01-14, 00:16
Hi Abu, apologies from the description that's what it implied to me. Ok, looks like my fixed dish on tuner A and motor on tuner B is the only viable solution. Thanks for you support. I will post my findings when I get the equipment set up.

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abu baniaz
07-01-14, 00:21
I would strongly recommend you add a diseqc switch to your setup and combine the fixed dish and motor. Your motorised dish won't need to go to 28.2 (both tuners will still have access to 28.2 though)

Are you doing this your self or paying someone else to do it for you?

07-01-14, 09:02
I would strongly recommend you add a diseqc switch to your setup and combine the fixed dish and motor. Your motorised dish won't need to go to 28.2 (both tuners will still have access to 28.2 though)

Are you doing this your self or paying someone else to do it for you?

What is the function of this switch rather than connecting the dishes direct to the tuners as I have done before. I have used a splitter before to channel the signal to two different boxes without a problem but what is different about the diseqc switch?

I am doing the installtion myself as I have had no problems installing my fixed dish.

So do I need 2 Diseqc switches to connect both tuners? Perhaps a quick sketch would help.31637

abu baniaz
07-01-14, 10:23
The reason why I recommend that you have the switch is that you wil have instant zapping for 28.2. Say you had the motorised dish at 7E, were watching something using the 28.2 dish. You then needed to use another tuner, recording, streaming etc..., without the switch the motor will have to move. With the diseqc switch, it will use the 28.2 dish on the "combined feed" tuner.

The sketch is in the thread to which I linked. You only need 1 diseqc switch unless you have a multi-lnb setup. Please have a look as a picture tells a million words.

You must use a diseqc switch. A normal splitter will not work. It is just the way it is I am afraid.

07-01-14, 10:35
Hi Abu, I have downloaded the sketch in the link thanks. The sketch does show however 2 diseqc switches to connect both tuners as the switch only has one output.

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abu baniaz
07-01-14, 11:08
There are two diseqc switches because three dishes/lnbs to the non motorised tuner are being combined.

07-01-14, 11:14
But you do lose one of the outputs as this is fed to the motorised lnb, so I have ordered 2 switches. Many thanks for you patience and continuing help. :-)

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abu baniaz
07-01-14, 19:00
I hope the following diagram explains it better. This is a twin tuner receiver, simplest setup with no switch.

One tuner connected to the motorised dish. The other is connected to a fixed dish.

abu baniaz
07-01-14, 19:06
This is what I am sugeesting for you. As you can see, only 1 switch is required.

abu baniaz
07-01-14, 19:07
And if you have more receivers...

07-01-14, 19:12
Ok, that's pretty neat and a simple solution. Many thanks. That's the h/w sorted and when I get the box fired up I can focus on the system, satellite finding and sorting out how the epg will integrate from fixed to motor unless they will work seamlessly. Thanks again for your time.

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10-01-14, 21:22
This is what I am sugeesting for you. As you can see, only 1 switch is required.
Hi Abu. The Gigablue Quad and the Dark Motor can use Diseqc 1.3 (USALS) but do you have to stick with Diseqc 1.2 if I'm using the Diseqc switch? I did not know if the switch was passive or needed to be the same.

abu baniaz
10-01-14, 23:35
Sorry, I don't know the answer.

However, the settings as they on that thread will work. You still use USALS to move the dish. I use the same setup with a TM 2600 motor as well as Nikkai and Mondeal ones.

11-01-14, 19:30
The motor angle is confusing in the manual and what is marked on the plate. In the manual, the plate marking says elevation, yet on the actual plate is says latitude. In the table in the back of the manual "elevation and declination angle table" the elevation is 38° from my latitude if 52°, so that is what I have set the angle plate on the motor.Then the dish angle bracket as 7.5° - 35° motor shaft offset. I have run out of light to try and tune the dish in, but if someone has setup a Alsat dark superior motor, it would be good to know I have the basic angles right.

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abu baniaz
11-01-14, 20:42
Have a look at the motorised dish installation tutorials. Here is one

Solution to your query in above post is

Set your latitude on the side of the motor and then bolt up tight.

12-01-14, 09:47
Hi Abu, it answers the question and then it does not if that makes sense. It states set you latitude on the side of the motor, but it also starts with a statement about using the conversion table in the manual. So my 52° lat would convert to 38° on the motor plate. I'll keep searching to find a definitive answer.

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13-01-14, 10:28

Attached is the position I beleive is 52 deg which I have taken as the raised casting on the motor against the scale. Can someone confirm this is correct.31851

abu baniaz
13-01-14, 16:00
You are currently installing your motorised dish. Make life simple for yourself, treat this aspect in isolation. We can improve your setup afterwards.

Disconnect the 28.2 feed from your receiver. Set the tuner with nothing connected as "not configured".

Only connect your motorised setup, and set your tuner for now as in attached picture. If you are using a meter, remove it from the setup before checking the channels on receiver.

Once we have the dish moving/tracking fine, post back.

13-01-14, 17:40
Hi Abu

Agreed back to basics and work from there. Will report back when I have completed some more testing.

25-01-14, 12:48
Well I have a new motor as the other Dark motor was duff and the installation continues. Just trying to work out the angles of motor and dish. I have set the motor to the LAT 52.5 (as near as I can) and adjusted the angle of the dish to about 7 deg from the vertical. I get a strong tone from a signal meter but no signal quality or strength on the receiver? I have taken off the signal meter and gone through the satellites stored on the Quad and I get a good signal on the receiver at only 10.0E but nothing else.

In the motor manual for LAT 52deg it gives an Elevation of 38deg Declination of 7.5Deg and Dish Bracket angle of 27.5deg. Are these angles relative to vertical? If I was to leave the motor on the 52LAT point and put the dish at 27Deg to the vertical the dish is practically hitting the top of the motor? Surely that can't be right.

Another question why do they put LAT and Elevation angles in the manual.

25-01-14, 13:15
i think my dark motor is doofed aswell my dish isnt moving anymore :(
4-5 months old with minimal usage.

what was the prob with yours madaboutlotus?

gonna go up the ladders in a mo good job its not raining for a change

25-01-14, 13:23
This is my initial setup, the first motor I bought was duff. Any advice on my settings?

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25-01-14, 13:33
my setup is as follows:-

tuner a = usals
tuner b = fixed 28.2
tuner c = fixed 28.2

i didnt set mine up myself had a couple mates to help me but they did most of it

i think this is what happened:-
after its set due south, use a channel list and select a channel on 0.8w, once there, tweak the dish to optimal signal and set it. thats it. the dish should be move along the arc to your desired location.

im going up to the dish in amo so i'll grab the angle its set to off mine but ive a feeling it could be diferent to use cos of location.

25-01-14, 13:39
Ok, I get a good signal on the meter but nothing in the receiver. Can the meter be left in the line at the same time as checking the receiver signal?

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25-01-14, 13:47
Madaboutlotus Post a few pictures of it.

Rossi - did you have bad weather last night? Sometimes after strong winds my motor stops working, I have to either switch the box off or pull the coax out of the back of it for about 20 minutes. When the cable is put back in the motor will start up again although I normally have to adjust the stored positions slightly. This used to happen a lot in bad weather until I used self amalgamating tape on the connections to stop any water getting in now its only in very strong winds.

25-01-14, 13:59
i have just got my motor working again by removing my sky feeds, so i need to just to do some more testing regards that.

madaboutlotus, there are 2 elevations that need setting, the ones on the back of the dish and one for the motor, on mine it "looks" like there both set the same although i didnt get right up onto of the roof.

as suggested please upload a couple pics of both.

you said your getting a signal on the meter, what sat is that pointing at? as you shouldnt be getting a signal when its set due south.

25-01-14, 14:14

Here are my initial setting for my LAT of 52.499

25-01-14, 14:19
your motor elevation looks like mine is set. but i cant tell about your dish, theres no markings.

you shouldnt be getting a signal due south. only when you move it to 0.8w and tweak.

now the heavens have opened up im not going back up my ladders lol

25-01-14, 14:21
Hi, I did get a high signal when pointing to 0.8w, but the receiver shows no signal?

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25-01-14, 14:22
What LAT are you Rossi?

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25-01-14, 14:24
thats strange,
just as a test select 28.2e from your channel list and let the motor move to it. do you still get a high signal?

im at 53.

did you change long from east to west? if you had a - longtitude?

25-01-14, 14:50
I have Longitude set to East, is that not correct for my post code of NR32?

25-01-14, 14:52
I have checked and I am East

25-01-14, 15:19
Try using the positioner settings instead of usals until you get your dish aligned.

Going by the postcode you posted your latitude is 52.5, the formula I used was 90- your latitude so 90-52.5 = 37.5. The dish declination should be set according to angle of your motor shaft, I'm not sure if all motors are the same but most likely they are, on mine the declination would work out at 6.8. So your dish elevation should be 37.5-6.8 = 30.7

Its cleared up here now and you inspired me to go out and align my own dish and replace that faulty Diseqc switch that should've been done months ago!

25-01-14, 15:29
You said that you're getting a signal on the meter but not the receiver there are a few apps for android phones that you can use to check the signal on your box. Dreambox signal finder is one but there are others just search enigma2 in the play store.

abu baniaz
25-01-14, 15:36
Are you sure the piece that connects dish to motor is correctly fitted.

Not 100% certain, but shouldn't the arrow be pointing up too? Check dish manual if available.

25-01-14, 15:38
Hi seame, 37.5 what does that relate to. The angle of the motor shaft is 35 pointing down from the centre of the motor. So how does that relate to the lat marking in the plate. And the dish elevation is that 30.7 from vertical when the motor angle is set?

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25-01-14, 15:42
Are you sure the piece that connects dish to motor is correctly fitted.

Not 100% certain, but shouldn't the arrow be pointing up too? Check dish manual if available.

Hi Abu, there was no manual with the dish and the arrows didn't seem to line up with any marking on the plate.

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25-01-14, 15:48
37.5 is for your motor, not all of them come with latitude markings on them so the way to work out how to set the motor elevation is 90-your latitude.

25-01-14, 15:59
But 37.5 is what angle. If you look at the pictures I have posted, if I put it to 37.5 according to the scale it looks far too pointed up. Also if I put usals back on so I can move the motor, I lose the signal meter on Sat Finder

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25-01-14, 16:09
37.5 is the motor elevation not the motor latitude. I can see from your pictures you have the latitude set up correctly so check your dish elevation is also correct, google the model of your motor to get a manual. If all motors use the same rule then your dish elevation should be 30.7 but again check this out as I'm unsure about different brands of motors.

25-01-14, 16:13
I have a manual for the motor but not for the dish. If the motor looks fine the fish elevation is the one to adjust but I can only get s tone with the dish at about 7 deg from vertical? A several people have commented, this setup id a nightmare!

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25-01-14, 16:16
afaik if you set it due south and then move to 0.8w and tweak from there to get a signal, the elevation must be correct when you get a signal?

25-01-14, 16:17
what channel on 0.8w are using to tweak the signal?

25-01-14, 16:21
If your getting a signal when the dish elevation is at 7deg only then Abu must be correct and that bracket is fitted incorrectly, assuming everything else is correct.

What dish do you have?

25-01-14, 16:27
I can't figure this out. Nothing I try seems to work. I beleive I have the dish pointing to 0.8w, the motor angle looks correct, there is a tone on the meter but nothing seems to tune in apart from the odd satellite. May have to give up and call an installer in.

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25-01-14, 16:32
the motor bracket looks fine to me just checked mine.

but ye i reckon the arrow on the dish bracket should be pointing up

25-01-14, 16:34
If you know the name of the dish just google it and you should find installation instructions.

25-01-14, 16:48
Guys thanks for you help but I've given up for the day. Just have to write up some notes and annotate some pics to see if I can get to the answer. I'll check on the net for a manual for the dish.

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abu baniaz
25-01-14, 20:04
In the motor manual for LAT 52deg it gives an Elevation of 38deg Declination of 7.5Deg and Dish Bracket angle of 27.5deg. Are these angles relative to vertical? If I was to leave the motor on the 52LAT point and put the dish at 27Deg to the vertical the dish is practically hitting the top of the motor? Surely that can't be right.

Once you set the motor to your latitude, lock it up. Forget that adjustment, it must be that for your motor to function correctly, do not adjust it again. Your two variables are now moving the whole assemply left/right or moving dish up/down. If you can see the dish markings, you should start off at 22.5 degrees for your location.

I am still of the view that the arrow nearest the shaft needs to point up. To me it seems that it is an indicator of the way up. Hopefully one of the professional installers who can recognise the dish can confirm.

25-01-14, 23:55
Hi Abu. The markings on the dish plate are not visible so I think I may have the plate on wrong. Having said that I am using an inclinometer on my phone and also an adjustable spirit level to check the angle the fish has at to the horizontal. However if the meanings on the plate were correct the angle you suggest may not be the angle from vertical if you see what I mean. Fun this motor setup isn't it!! :-)

yes I hope a clever installer can share their wisdom :-)

I'm still mystified why I get a good tone from the satfinder but no signal indication on the box. Although when I took 0.8w off usals it indicated on the box but you the lose the ability to change the satellite from the remote. Strange indeed.

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27-01-14, 19:45
It's start again time, with the brackets taken off and put together correctly. I have worked out the inclination angle taking into account the dish offset which is 22°which gives me 7.5° for the dish. In the testing phase we connected my fixed dish 28.2 signal into the tuner, moved the dish to get the signal, but when I did a scan it only scanned about 12 stations? Must be something incorrect on the channel settings, but I'll figure that one out later. An update when I get it all back together.

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28-01-14, 15:29
On the motor controls, is the GO To 0 or GO To 'X' only functional in Diseqc 1.2 and not USALS as I tried to move my motor to 0 when my configuration is set to USALS and it would not move. It only moved when I selected a satellite from the list available.

abu baniaz
28-01-14, 16:43
Don't scan. Load a cahnenl list. Tell receiver to move dish to position in order to receive a channel. Tweak to improve signal/receive a picture by moving (Motor and dish) around pole on wall or move dish up/down.

28-01-14, 17:06
Hi Abu, I have loaded catseyes channel listing for 75W-75E. But the question was just about moving the motor to 0 deg so I can set this as my base point. So taking your point I just select a channel from 0.8W and adjust from there.

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28-01-14, 17:28
Sorry that should have been 45W

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28-01-14, 18:44
Once your dish is aligned due south. Then select 0.8w channel from your channel list. Dont mess with go to 0. Once you have selected a channel from 0.8w and your dish moves to it. tweak your dish to maximize signal this will involve elevation etc of your dish to get it right. Once you tweaked it. Try a channel on 30w and then across to 42e. If both sats work its likely to be setup correctly and movr across the arc.

28-01-14, 18:45
Make sure you also set tuner to usals beforr doing it

29-01-14, 00:50
Thanks Rossi, I will get there eventually, just takes time to get all the pieces together. Just for my knowledge, is the go to selection just for diseqc1.2 then?

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abu baniaz
29-01-14, 01:17
Thanks Rossi, I will get there eventually, just takes time to get all the pieces together. Just for my knowledge, is the go to selection just for diseqc1.2 then?

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Yes. that is correct.

29-01-14, 10:02
Hi Guys. Just a reminder, is setting up the ABM following this guide, or is there another more specific for ABM

01-03-14, 10:10
This is what I am sugeesting for you. As you can see, only 1 switch is required.

how do you setup the tuners for this config. i've tried all sorts but can't get it to work the way i would like. say im recording a program on 28.2 (this would be done from the static dish) and i want to watch another channel on 28.2, my motorised dish moves. i want it to take the single through the switch from the static dish and leave my motor dish on 13e or 19e. i've tried to follow the guide but it doesn't work. confused when it comes to LNB, diseqc 1.0 1.1 or 1.2 and then diseqc commands AA AB etc. an ediots guide would help:confused:

abu baniaz
01-03-14, 18:04
Hope you followed this guide. http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?22414-How-to-combine-a-fixed-and-a-motorised-dish-to-one-coax It does work as that is teh setup I am using.

Post 7 has a picture of the tuner setup. Pay attention to the bits where the arrows are. Give it another go. If still no joy, post your settings file which is located in /etc/enigma2 If you have personal details edit them out.

01-03-14, 19:37
Hope you followed this guide. http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?22414-How-to-combine-a-fixed-and-a-motorised-dish-to-one-coax It does work as that is teh setup I am using.

Post 7 has a picture of the tuner setup. Pay attention to the bits where the arrows are. Give it another go. If still no joy, post your settings file which is located in /etc/enigma2 If you have personal details edit them out.

i followed post 7 and i still cant get it to work. i have a diseqc switch for 2 inputs and not 4...does this make a difference. the settings file you refer to appears to be abit on the large side to post here + can't see what personal details i would need to edit. i have the static dish on tuner A, LNB 1(quad LNB) using diseqc command AA and the motorised dish on Tuner B LNB 2 (single LNB) using diseqc command AB. i want to watch and record from 28.2 on the static dish and leave the motor dish to use 13e, 19e etc. can a switch be faulty?

abu baniaz
01-03-14, 19:49
Assuming that there is a direct connection to tuner A, this should be set as simple single, 28.2.
If you want to test the switch, park the motor on a satellite that is not the same as the fixed ones. Then set the tuners as diseqc a/b/c/d to correspond.
If you setup email address on the log settings, that would show up. Zip the settings file upload and I'll have a look for you.

01-03-14, 20:17
Assuming that there is a direct connection to tuner A, this should be set as simple single, 28.2.
If you want to test the switch, park the motor on a satellite that is not the same as the fixed ones. Then set the tuners as diseqc a/b/c/d to correspond.
If you setup email address on the log settings, that would show up. Zip the settings file upload and I'll have a look for you.

ok here's the settings file...please see want you can make of it. ill try the switch thing tomorrow as the wife wants to watch the tv now. cheers

config.misc.isNextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto= true
config.radio.lastroot=1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.radio" ORDER BY bouquet;
config.radio.lastservice=1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "autobouquet.skyuk.main.radio" ORDER BY bouquet
config.tv.lastroot=1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.tv" ORDER BY bouquet;1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "autobouquet.skyuk.main.tv" ORDER BY bouquet;
config.tv.lastservice=1:0:19:5208:812:2:11A0000:0: 0:0:
config.plugins.xmltvimport.sources=Rytec Benelux XMLTV|Rytec Bulgaria XMLTV|Rytec Denmark XMLTV|Rytec Erotic XMLTV|Rytec Finland XMLTV|Rytec France XMLTV|Rytec Germany/Austria/Swiss XMLTV|Rytec Greece in English XMLTV|Rytec Hungary XMLTV|Rytec Israel XMLTV|Rytec Italy XMLTV|Rytec Norway XMLTV|Rytec TVBS/OSN/JSC Sport XMLTV|Rytec Poland XMLTV|Rytec Portugal XMLTV|Rytec Romania XMLTV|Rytec Serbia/Croatia/Montenegro XMLTV|Rytec Slovak/Czech XMLTV|Rytec Slovenia XMLTV|Rytec Spain XMLTV|Rytec Sweden XMLTV|Rytec Turkey XMLTV|Rytec UK XMLTV|Rytec UK BBCi XMLTV
config.autobouquetsmaker.hidesections=|skyuk:580|s kyuk:640|skyuk:700|skyuk:780|skyuk:861|skyuk:881|s kyuk:889|skyuk:899|skyuk:950|skyuk:1030
config.autobouquetsmaker.providers=canaldigitaal_h d_astra_1::1:
config.backupmanager.backupdirs=['/etc/enigma2/', '/etc/fstab', '/etc/hostname', '/etc/network/interfaces', '/etc/passwd', '/etc/shadow', '/etc/etc/shadow', '/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/ushare.conf', '/etc/inadyn.conf', '/etc/tuxbox/config/', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf', '/usr/softcams/', '/etc/CCcam.cfg', '/etc/CCcam.channelinfo', '/etc/CCcam.providers', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf', '/usr/crossepg/crossepg.config', '/usr/crossepg/providers', '/etc/samba']
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.1.powerMeasurement=fals e
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.1.longitudeOrientation= west
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.1.commitedDiseqcCommand =AB
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.33.powerMeasurement=fal se
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.2.powerMeasurement=fals e
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.2.longitudeOrientation= west
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.2.commitedDiseqcCommand =AB
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.36.powerMeasurement=fal se
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.34.powerMeasurement=fal se
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.33.powerMeasurement=fal se
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.36.powerMeasurement=fal se
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.36.commitedDiseqcComman d=AB
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.36.longitudeOrientation =west
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.35.powerMeasurement=fal se
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.34.powerMeasurement=fal se
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.powerMeasurement=fals e
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.longitudeOrientation= west
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.commitedDiseqcCommand =AA
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.2.powerMeasurement=fals e
config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.2.commitedDiseqcCommand =AA

abu baniaz
01-03-14, 20:45
Not sure why you have set the static one as advanced. It should be simple, single, 28.2.

With reference to the switch iteself, not settings programmed in receiver, which port is the motorised one in please?

01-03-14, 21:58
Not sure why you have set the static one as advanced. It should be simple, single, 28.2.

With reference to the switch iteself, not settings programmed in receiver, which port is the motorised one in please?

on the switch itself i have (LNB1 receiver LNB2). i believe the answer you want is LNB2 on the switch
but to be sure here's my setup.
i have 2 sat tuners in my receiver. tuner A goes start to the static dish. tuner B goes to motor. then from motor to (receiver) on the switch. 2nd feed from static dish goes to LNB1. then feed from LNB on motor dish to LNB2 on switch.

02-03-14, 09:31
have got this working now. i stupidly had 28.2e setup on the motorised dish using the same LNB and switch channel.
i now have tuner A setup as simple single sat. tuner B as advanced 13e, 19.2e setup using LNB2 switch AB diseqc 1.2 and 28.2 setup as LNB1 switch AA diseqc 1.0

thanks for all your help.

abu baniaz
02-03-14, 11:16
Good to hear. Is motor moving to the other sats?

02-03-14, 13:28
Good to hear. Is motor moving to the other sats?

got me worried there but yes works on other sats too. brill :D

02-03-14, 13:59
Good to hear. Is motor moving to the other sats?

yes motor dish working great, thanks for all help. :D