View Full Version : sharing hdd

31-12-13, 12:04
Hi, does anyone have a guide on how i can make the hard drive connected to my Unibox HD-1 visible over my windows network?

31-12-13, 12:24
Have a read of this, I spent a couple of a days messing to work it out


31-12-13, 14:19
the link seems to be how to show PC hdd's on the unibox - I need to be able to show the unibox hdd on the PC network... :(

31-12-13, 14:47
to see your hard drive on your pc running windows 7 all you need to do is change your work group to VIX on your pc and ensure samba is enabled in networks on your sat box. I believe after build 802 the work group name as been changed to WORKGROUP..

31-12-13, 14:50
READ THIS TOO http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?34038-How-to-make-your-vu-solo2-visable-on-network :thumbsup:

31-12-13, 15:10
I have samba enabled on the unibox but in the log file it seems to just say "couldn't find service vu"

31-12-13, 15:35
yay suddenly seems to be working :)

abu baniaz
31-12-13, 15:36
Sorry to be pedantic, you don't have to change workgroup to "vix" nor "workgroup". You have to make sure all devices are on same one, whatever it is called. Taking care of case sensitivity.

31-12-13, 15:51
That is true, but the default "workgroup" was VIX on the Vix image, but I believe Andy Blac has now changed it to WORKGROUP since build 802 :)onwards. Just saves you messing around editing your sat box if your aware of the default name .. And yes as long as you have them named all the same it will work, but you have no option to change "case " in windows Its always capitals ..

31-12-13, 15:55
Glad you've got it working "Imgold"

31-12-13, 16:02
Cheers Craig - makes life a little easier rather than FTP'ing files over :) now all i need to figure is if there is a way to make my new samsung smart tv talk to the unibox (see other thread!) :confused:

31-12-13, 16:24
I've not set up one of these smart tv's before but I'm assuming they can be networked . If this is the case take note of your ip address for your box or pc EG . Your IP range goes from to I am just using this IP as an example. You may need to change the IP of your Smart tv to match your other devices ? You Can have 2 of the same IP address on the same network So for example your tv could be change to Don't know if this the answer ?:confused:

31-12-13, 18:17
not really craig - the smart tv is on the network etc but it should be possibe for it to change channels etc on the unibox but it doesnt seem to support it (it natively works with sky box)

31-12-13, 19:40
I see, Soz mate, Miss understood your question ... Must be the BEER goggles lol HaPpY nEw YeAr .. HiCcUp :D