View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] new audio effect setting saving?

28-12-13, 13:08
ok the problem i have

go to a channel
press audio on remote
go to the top and blue for effect

now i tested spdif and hdmi and can see a sound change BUT, when i go to exit i get the pop up about leaving without saving

there is no auto save or coloured button to press to save?

28-12-13, 19:38
perhaps your skin does not support this option. You have to press green to save at least with Magic HD night.


28-12-13, 22:37
im on the only one i like vix night HD

Rob van der Does
29-12-13, 06:50
But did you save the setting via the green button?
Just tried here and it saves neatly.

29-12-13, 11:44
But did you save the setting via the green button?
Just tried here and it saves neatly.

correct mate if i press green ( even i cant see it ) it saved