View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] On demand plugin

21-12-13, 12:22
I have been trying to watch programmes on the Itv section of the on demand plugin. Unfortunately after about one minute into any of tge programmes it stops. All the other demand channels play with no problem, it used to work? No crashing it justs stops playing

Rob van der Does
21-12-13, 12:54
Please state your build number (you wrote '0').

21-12-13, 13:57
Build the latest 806, Robin forgot to mention this happened on the previous 2 builds, I thought when I updated it would have corrected it

26-12-13, 12:59
Same as OP

ITV player streams for a couple of minutes , then returns to menu? :confused:

I am running 3.0.808 on a Duo2

Would be gr8 if this nagg was identified...

thanks all

26-12-13, 13:26
Working fine here build 808 on Duo

26-12-13, 13:29
I updated last night (not sure of the build no) and ITV player worked fine.

26-12-13, 14:50

Are you able to open ITV player and say stream a programme - for more than a couple of minutes...?

If so, i am confused... maybe you can let me know whiuch version of OD - you guys are using..:rolleyes:

26-12-13, 14:58
ITV player was working fine last night, wife used it to watch corrie for about an hour.

26-12-13, 15:52

Are you able to open ITV player and say stream a programme - for more than a couple of minutes...?

If so, i am confused... maybe you can let me know whiuch version of OD - you guys are using..:rolleyes:

Yes wife just watched downtown for about 1 hr

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

26-12-13, 16:15
Working fine here too, just watched a entire episode of Axe men.

as to the version your using, when ever you update the image or download OnDemand from the feeds it always grabs the version from the feeds which is always the newest one.

26-12-13, 20:33
Still not working for me, stops after 1 minte to 2 minutes. Would it be because of my region, NI?

abu baniaz
26-12-13, 20:49
Have you tried removing it and the installing from feeds again?

If that does not work you may wish to try reinstalling your image without restores.

26-12-13, 21:27
Yea I'll do as you've advised and let you know the result

26-12-13, 22:08
ill deinstall also and try again;)

26-12-13, 23:07
No joy done as advised no difference still stalls after 2 minutes?

abu baniaz
26-12-13, 23:12
No joy done as advised no difference still stalls after 2 minutes?
Even on a new image with no restores?

26-12-13, 23:22
I too have deinstalled the OD - rebooted and reinstalled the OD plug in....

I have thge same symptoms..... itv player runs for 2 minutes, then returns to menu....

My openvix is a fresh install - no restores...

confused now?

26-12-13, 23:28
Yes even with new image and no restore

abu baniaz
26-12-13, 23:32
Any other plugins installed?

Please also upload logs for coders to have a look at.

26-12-13, 23:42
Abu - tell me how to post logs and where to find them and i will up:confused:

abu baniaz
26-12-13, 23:47
Menu > Setup > System > Logs > Settings > Enable debug log. Change this to yes. A reboot is required for changes to take effect.

You can then either ftp them and upload here or you can send using log manager if you have filled in the other details. If you send from receiver directly, post your reference number in this thread.

Sorry couldn't help. Just out of curiousity, have you tried playing different shows to rule out the server?

26-12-13, 23:55
yes.... bizarrely... all programmes on ITV fail after 2 minutes...

bbc iplayer streams fine, as does 3 player...

at least i know its not just me having problems.....

ill upload shortly - thanks for your help m8

27-12-13, 02:02
No logs it justs stops?

abu baniaz
27-12-13, 07:01
Crash and debug logs are different. Debug logs record everything going on. Send them in using log manager.

27-12-13, 11:38
Abu -

I formatted my harb drive.
Undertook a clean fresh install via the online portal.
Installed the plug in from portal.
-- nothing else installed

The itv player plays 2 minutes or so, then drops outs (as before)

No logs are shown in Log Manager...

Just wondering, if you are having no problem with the ITV part of the plugin, then if you send me your version, then I can try this...


abu baniaz
27-12-13, 12:13
If you want to try further, install image by USB.

I installed via remote so should be same as yours.

You definitely rebooted after enabling debug logs?

27-12-13, 12:52
What speed are yere internet connections?
anything else using it when trying to use the ITV player?
When you open the OnDemand plugin, press Menu and set Preferred Stream Quality to Low or Very Low, does that help?

13-01-14, 16:44
Hi guys,
I have a Solo. Solo2 and Duo all working fine on image 702, but the BBC AND ITV IPLAYER have stopped working. Is there anything I can do to correct the problem. The 3Player and Iview work fine

13-01-14, 17:45
Sorry entered in error

14-01-14, 09:16
The stream quality does not change anything on my boxes, I am in Spain do you think this is a problem? it is annoying as the only way to catch up with English telly here. please help as this has been real useful for a long time.

14-01-14, 23:19
see the other On Demand thread ( at the end ). Tunlr now needs to be registered for it to work and as you are in Spain this could be a problem.I have registered through my laptop and this gives the OK for my ISP address and so my VU box can now access Tunlr as well.

16-01-14, 13:32
Thanks for the advice, it has worked for me here in Spain. Many many Regards