View Full Version : Warning to anyone buying a VU+ Solo2, clones being sold as genuine at genuine prices

17-12-13, 16:06
As the title, we're posting this to warn members and anyone thinking of buying a VU+ Solo2.

Theres some dealers who have sold genuine units in the past selling counterfeit clone VU+ Solo2 on ebay claiming that they are genuine and selling them close to genuine prices.

Beware where you purchase if you choose not to order from us.

30-12-13, 20:40
As the title, we're posting this to warn members and anyone thinking of buying a VU+ Solo2.

Theres some dealers who have sold genuine units in the past selling counterfeit clone VU+ Solo2 on ebay claiming that they are genuine and selling them close to genuine prices.

Beware where you purchase if you choose not to order from us.

Hi is it possible to get a buyer beware list.?or would that not be good.Like you say they may already be trusted sellers.I think anyone knowingly selling clones as genuine and selling at the price of a genuine should be shammed and reported these people don't deserve to trade may as well be stealing your mums purse.

30-12-13, 20:58

30-12-13, 21:23
I find your comment rather unfair to other genuine sellers who like you use EBay. It instills an uneasiness in potential buyers who want to be doubly sure and therefore avoid other genuine dealers just in case and therefore will only buy from you.

30-12-13, 22:01
I find your comment rather unfair to other genuine sellers who like you use EBay. It instills an uneasiness in potential buyers who want to be doubly sure and therefore avoid other genuine dealers just in case and therefore will only buy from you.

I dont agree, This information has come from the official and sole importer of Vu+ products for the UK, who purchased purchased from these sellers and found their goods to be fake. the sponsor is just relaying this info to users so they are not duped into paying for a fake when they want the genuine article. if you want to take that risk thats your decision but to some people this is a lot of money, if they buy from the sponsor they can guarantee to receive genuine receivers and not fakes at rip off prices.

30-12-13, 22:21
If that is the case they should provide details of other sellers they supply. I purchased a Vu box from a UK seller and I believe they would find the original comment us unfair. If they purchased fake boxes they should state who supplied them.

30-12-13, 22:43
If that is the case they should provide details of other sellers they supply. I purchased a Vu box from a UK seller and I believe they would find the original comment us unfair. If they purchased fake boxes they should state who supplied them.

If you read it right it says some not all sellers.As you say there are number of honest genuine sellers but as always there are the few who in a bid to make money and in effect steal from the purchaser will knowingly sell you a clone yet advertise it as genuine original.
If you want and know you are buying a clone all well and good that's your choice but to be sold a clone when you believe it to be and have been told its genuine well that's dam wrong and unfair to the genuine sellers just trying to make a living....most of us are quite able to smell a rat yet if the seller is a previously trusted one well it makes for a difficult choice for you.I guess you need to be super careful now and buy from who you know best..One upshot is if a seller is found to be passing of clones as genuine word will soon get out and bang goes all their sales in the future as "we" are a very fickle lot.

30-12-13, 22:46
If someone is selling a clone and advertising it as such then thats fine by me as it is then up to the buyer to decide what they want. However, if its a clone advertised as a genuine box, then I agree with AJT that they should be named and shamed.

30-12-13, 22:53
Tbh I really don't understand why people would buy a box of this value from ebay unless it is from a well known supplier such as WOS, it's not like it is any cheaper buying it on there.

Most reputable sat shops are now doing business online anyway, so it's not even any easier to buy on ebay is it ?

Just my view, but then I wouldn't buy from anyone other than the authorised dealers anyway

31-12-13, 06:30
It's also come to light that some grey imports meant for the Asian markets are being sold, with buyers receiving units with serial numbers removed.

@ AJT will not give these rogue sellers any promotion here. Its a customers choice where they buy and spend their hard earned money is spent. All we say is be careful.

This thread was meant to warn customers and has served its purpose, there we'll close it now.