View Full Version : Subtitle and NAS questions

16-12-13, 08:53
First of all, I would like to thank this wonderful forum that has enabled me to purchase my first Linux receiver and all the excellent guides to setup and customise it.

So far, I have been able to add a HDD to my new box, flash it with OpenVix 3.0.796, install plugins like Air Player and MyTube, setup the EPG and also install the beautiful MetrixHD skin - All with the aid of this forum!

I have not been able to find out answers to a couple of queries and would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction...

Subtitle - The subtitle option works fine, but I have an issue with the 'trailing' text - The text leaves a wierd black outline trail on the top after it refreshes to the next text (Apologies, as I have still not figured out how to get screenshots). This only seems to appear with texts that are displayed on multiple lines and the the very first line seems to have the refreshing problem. The problem clears away after turning the the subtitles off. A refreshing problem maybe???

NAS connection - Again, appologies if this has been mentioned before, but the two tutorials I found were not able to help. Basically, I would like to connect to a folder on my NAS storage and stream movies from it. I have tried using the mounting options, but it doesn't seem to work!

Lastly, I would like to add folders within the HDD to move my recorded content into. Is there an option to create folders from the remote?

16-12-13, 10:53
To create new folders in your HDD just go into your recorded films/programmes and press MENU the option is then there to create new folders. What is your NAS connection ? I messed around a lot to mount drives maybe want to read this


16-12-13, 11:09
Many thanks craig37! My NAS is conected directly to the Router and whilst I can see it the in the devices menu, am unable to mount any specific folders...

16-12-13, 11:14
Sharing your folder on your drive is highly important. Have a read of that link I sent you and give it a try

16-12-13, 13:36
Also make sure your router is set up correctly