View Full Version : Picon help.

15-12-13, 00:51
So far I've put picon on a USB to the root and FTP'd the xml file found here to enigma2/display. The USB is mounted media/usb. Done the system/display/skin setup and OK'd that. The box restarts and I get the picons in EPG but nothing on the LCD just a thin white line in the centre of the screen?

Any thoughts, been at it most of the bloody day..

15-12-13, 00:58
No mention of box used, image used, why you're playing about with a enigma2/display file...
No wonder you've "been at it most of the bloody day"
If you want some help, the least you can provide is box, image & build otherwise it's just a guessing game...

15-12-13, 01:21
My bad: Gigablue quad, VIX, version 3.0 build 802 kernel 3.3.8. No more guessing.

I was "playing about" with enigma2/display because one of the tutorials I was reading it said that skin_display_picon.xml needs to go in there.

15-12-13, 01:36
In that case, please read:
The GBQuad has plenty of room on the flash for picons, I'd store them there.
Then, Menu -> Setup -> System -> Display -> Skin setup = Default with picon.