View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] start up picture on vix

10-12-13, 23:40
Hi can someone help me and tell me how do I change the picture on the start up screen on vix 978

abu baniaz
10-12-13, 23:44
Edit the required information details so that they are correct please.

11-12-13, 01:03
Isn't everything correct if not what should I edit

11-12-13, 05:49
Corrected the build number.

Which exact screen are you talking about?

11-12-13, 09:03
Menu- Information- About- build =799 etc

11-12-13, 23:30
The night screen on the vix start up

12-12-13, 00:25
There are several screens is the any way you could get a picture of the screen in question ?.

Mr. Mister
12-12-13, 00:59
For boot logo.. Google : Xorion Bootlogo generator..

Very simply programe to use..

you can chage whatever logo you want using this..