View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Every vix I have used has locked up with the same problem (18 months)

09-12-13, 23:06
Every image I have tried has locked up during an epg scan (usually at 4am)

I flash, set it up, get epg is fine, but that's the only time it will load successfully.
I wake up the next morning and the box has locked up, (parsing or loading channels lock up) I then have to reboot the box AND turn off the 4am auto scan.

So it's fine if booted and then an epg scan is done, however once the box has been left on a while it will not get epg, just lock up halfway through.

I have tried about 6 images over the last one to two years and just put up with bad epg.

I am now of the opinion that this I am unlikely to resolve this so maybe I have to change image.

I doubt if anyone can help but would appreciate it if someone can suggest something cos I am almost out of patience with vix
and I would be surprised if it's something I am doing wrong.

Thanks for looking

09-12-13, 23:17
You dont have a passwords setup on it for the naughty porn channels do you??
i had similar problem on a twin-oe...turned em all off and epg worked fine again!

09-12-13, 23:21
You might get more help if you filled in the questions on opening the thread properly.

09-12-13, 23:30
as per judge's comments above, rather than just rant, if you provided us with more information such as how your EPG is actually setup we may be able to help, rite now were in mystic meg territory and thats no good for any one.

10-12-13, 00:29
just thought i would add.

I would activate a swopfile on hdd/usb + cashflush ...more than likely you are just running out of memory.

10-12-13, 00:41
I would activate a swopfile on hdd/usb + cashflush ...more than likely you are just running out of memory.

No mention of current build used, last flash build number, EPG sources used....
It's all guess work & pointless till the OP posts some relevant info.

10-12-13, 05:27
Thread closed, if op cannot be bothered to post requested info I'm closing the thread.