View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Samba workgroup name

abu baniaz
06-12-13, 20:42
A request....

Following from this thread http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?32931-How-to-setup-Samba-correcty-for-Windows-7&highlight=samba
Can the default workgroup name be changed from "vix" to "WORKGROUP"? Vast majority of people will have a workgroup called WORKGROUP instead of vix

Many thanks

07-12-13, 18:15
Yes you can do that - in fact that's what the thread says.

Rob van der Does
07-12-13, 18:35
A request....

Following from this thread http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?32931-How-to-setup-Samba-correcty-for-Windows-7&highlight=samba
Can the default workgroup name be changed from "vix" to "WORKGROUP"? Vast majority of people will have a workgroup called WORKGROUP instead of vix
Hmmm, only for English OS's......
Whatever the default is, it's never good. You must adapt the name to your own network.

07-12-13, 18:40
A dutch version of Windows 7/8/8.1 also uses WORKGROUP

Rob van der Does
07-12-13, 18:43
A dutch version of Windows 7/8/8.1 also uses WORKGROUP
Sure? I thought that was being translated. Not 100% sure though, as I always change it.

07-12-13, 19:03
I never changed it and it's WORKGROUP on every PC, I can't remember wich version, but there has been a Windows version that used WERKGROEP as default on dutch version, but that's a few years way way back already, could have been Win 95/98/2000

08-12-13, 15:59
My Win7 PC has MSHOME as the workgroup which was the default when I loaded win7.

It does not matter what it is, the important thing is to check what it is on the PC by checking the Control Panel System tab.

08-12-13, 16:57
My Win7 PC has MSHOME as the workgroup which was the default when I loaded win7.

It does not matter what it is, the important thing is to check what it is on the PC by checking the Control Panel System tab.

Exactly, and since not many people will have a workgroup called vix, then that will make them change it to the workgroup required... :sofahide:

abu baniaz
08-12-13, 17:21
The reason I made this suggestion was that the starting point should be what captures/applies to most people. People who have a different workgroup name can change it. Just like they do now.

From my checking the default for windows 7 and 8 is not VIX

08-12-13, 17:37
Andy committed the Fix yesterday.


[samba] revert workgroup default back to ‘WORKGROUP’.

Rob van der Does
08-12-13, 18:24
But the real issue is to change the workgroupname in ViX: one has to stop E2, manually edit the samba config and restart E2.