View Full Version : Multi LNBs with Sky Mini-dish

06-12-13, 02:59
Hi guys,

Apologies in advance for my novice questions - I've done a little digging but I've been unable to find any definitive answers so I'm hoping you knowledgeable (and lovely) people might be able to help me... :thumbsup:

I'll try to give a full description of my setup, which is pretty straightforward:

Fixed Sky mini-dish, located in sunny Cornwall and mounted on a roughly north-facing wall, quad LNB pointed at 28.2E with 2 outputs in use (shotgun cable directly to my TM-Twin). Simple enough :)


So my first question is whether it might be possible (in theory) to simply add more LNBs to my existing dish to pick up other satellites, specifically 19.2E and 13.0E. I notice there are multi-LNB holders available but I'm really not sure if my existing dish will be man enough for the task...personally I'd be happy to install a bigger dish but the other half has objections!!

And secondly, if that's at all possible with my existing setup then I'd really appreciate some advice on how to setup a DiSEqC switch. I have no idea how my proposed setup might physically work but in an ideal world: 28.2E with the existing LNB (ability to watch/record at any time) other satellite(s) via additional single LNBs for occasional use.

As I said, I'm a complete novice so please don't laugh at my proposed setup above if it's a complete unreality!! :roflmao:

Many thanks in anticipation

06-12-13, 03:04
Image & box uesd???

06-12-13, 03:12
Hi Judge,

TM-Twin as mentioned in my OP.

Sorry, I didn't think the image would be all that relevant as it was a more general satellite related question - I'm on VIX 3.0.797 for the record.

I hope Rob won't be along shortly to "move my post to the correct section"...I really did try my best to place it appropriately! :wave:

06-12-13, 03:22
So, why not post in the VIX support forum?
If Rob closes this thread, fair play to him, it's in the wrong section.

06-12-13, 03:57
Sorry if you mistook that for some kind of sarcasm - I honestly thought this would the most appropriate place to post my question.

I'm an infrequent poster as you can see but I read this forum (and others) a lot. I only ever post a question as a last resort when I can't find a definitive answer elsewhere on the web.

I've always posted VIX specific issues in that support forum with the full box and image information. However, to me at least, this didn't seem like a VIX related issue and I certainly didn't want to incorrectly post to an already busy team! I was merely asking about how a physical satellite and LNB setup might (or might not) work.

I can see how the DiSEqC setup part might be construed as crossing over to image support but to clarify, I just meant the actual physical connections. If I was asking about support to set this up within the image the I'd have posted in the VIX support forum.

I don't mean to be obtrusive but I really do fail to see why I've posted this in the wrong section?

06-12-13, 06:08
This is not a ViX specific issue, would have been better posted in TM-Twin section http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?317-Technomate-TM-Twin-OE-Talk

In answer to your question do not waste your time with a mini dish, its too small.

See these:

Diseqc settings would be set to Diseqc A/B/C/D if your using 3+ LNB's.

abu baniaz
06-12-13, 08:37
Just to add to above, you can use connect one of the 28.2 ports direct to receiver this will allow for recording flexibilitry of 28.2. Obviously this lnb must be twin as a minimum.

It would be better to get an additional diseqc switch and twin lnbs for the other two sats.

06-12-13, 10:56
Just to add to above, you can use connect one of the 28.2 ports direct to receiver this will allow for recording flexibilitry of 28.2. Obviously this lnb must be twin as a minimum.

It would be better to get an additional diseqc switch and twin lnbs for the other two sats.

Thanks for your reply Abu. With that configuration would I need to run any additional cable from the dish to my box or would it just involve new cabling around the LNBs and switch(es).

Sorry, I've never used a switch or more than one LNB before so please excuse my ignorance!

abu baniaz
06-12-13, 18:53
Diseqc switch/es will be next to dish.

Existing cables from receiver will be connected to switch instead of lnbs. Cables from lnbs to switch/es