View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] Problem Setting up Windows Network Share with NTFS drive windows 7

05-12-13, 11:45
Desperate to Set up Windows Network Share on my vu+ uno with windows 7 Ntfs hard drive. Try everything posted on this forum and all others forums too. I`m sure there is nothing wrong with my windows settings as i managed to set it up on BH image with no problem at all. Any help welcome.

05-12-13, 13:36
When I use Network Browser my PC will not expand. However, in Mount Points Management i can see that the share is active.

Menu/setup/system/network/mounts setup/mount manager/add new network mount point
mount using...........FSTAB
Local share name....What ever you want to call it
mount type............CIFS
server ip................Your pc ip
server share...........Name of the folder you want to share. Do not use / or \ or any file pathways. Simply type the exact name of the folder you set as share.
use as hdd.............no
Mount options.........rw,utf8
username................this is the name you gave to your pc when you first set it up.
password................this is the password of your pc user account, the one you use to log into your windows account

I have one folder on my Laptop (films) with share set to homegroup only - it works a charm.

Hope this is what you are looking for.


Ten Below
05-12-13, 14:04
I have did this in the past & the only way i found to get it going on win7 was to create a new user in windows with admin permissions and use the user & pass details for the new account when setting up the mountpoints on your box.

05-12-13, 14:46
Thanks every one for the replies. As i sad in first post I`ve tried everything so i do have new folder named Vu shered with everyone also i created new user Vu with admin permissions in W7. My settings in Menu/setup/system/network/mounts setup/mount manager/add new network mount point:
mount using...........FSTAB
Local share name....PC
mount type............CIFS
server ip................
server share...........Vu
use as hdd.............no
Mount options.........rw
After i press OK to save or green buton it is askin "You have change share name do you want to save?" I press Yes. It is going back to mount manager. After rebooting receiver i`m going back to mount manager but i can`t see any mounts active or any folders. I don`t know what am i doing wrong but as i sad in first post there were no problem mounting in BH image.

05-12-13, 14:59
Have you tried setting up Samba and checked if you can see your VU+ Duo from your PC ?

You have to set the /etc/samba/smb.conf file to your workgroup name.

05-12-13, 15:09
Have you tried setting up Samba and checked if you can see your VU+ Duo from your PC ?

You have to set the /etc/samba/smb.conf file to your workgroup name.

I did set /etc/samba/smb.conf file to my workgroup name but i did`t know what to do next so i can`t tell right now as i`m not at home. Will check later today.

05-12-13, 15:42
You seem to have already done what I suggested. When you get back home just check that you see VUUNO under the network tab when you open a folder on your PC desktop.

Other than that I can't help - I have not really experimented with network shares.

06-12-13, 13:59
You seem to have already done what I suggested. When you get back home just check that you see VUUNO under the network tab when you open a folder on your PC desktop.

Other than that I can't help - I have not really experimented with network shares.

I managed to see my vuuno on my W7 network only after installing NTFS-3g driver from plugins section in Vu but still can`t see my PC on Vu. I`m giving up on VIX image and will try some others teams. Any recommendations. Thanks

06-12-13, 14:32
You must be doing something wrong - no issues here - with VIX base image - no extra plug ins required to allow share to/from duo/quad and laptop.


06-12-13, 14:59
Ok It is must be me than. What version of windows you are running and what is the drive format on your laptop? If you read posts above you will see that i`ve tried everything and had no problem to set it all up and running on BH Image.

06-12-13, 15:06
Sorry for hijacking the thread, is so you can watch/see/ listen to stuff which you have on your pc/laptop on your vu?

Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 2

06-12-13, 18:01
Sorry for hijacking the thread, is so you can watch/see/ listen to stuff which you have on your pc/laptop on your vu?

Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 2

Yes mate that is exactly what i`m trying to do.

06-12-13, 18:06
Using Samba you MUST change your home group or network name to "VIX" I also had to disconnect and re connect my usb hard drive from my sat box

06-12-13, 19:24
Yes mate that is exactly what i`m trying to do.

Hmmmm....interesting, ive had a duo since they first come out and just brought a duo2 and never really had time to explore their full capabilities...always just been a receiver!! I'm begining to learn everything they can do and i'm amazed!! Im going to try this set up and see if it works!! So forgive my questions along the way :)

Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 2

07-12-13, 08:33
see if this helps http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?15974-How-To-Setting-up-Windows-Network-Share

07-12-13, 18:13
Above it says you must change your home network name to VIX - that is because the ViX images use VIX as the Workgroup name by default.

Another way to do it is to leave your home network name to MSHOME (or whatever it is set to now) and change the network name in the smb.conf file in your VU.