View Full Version : No signal

03-12-13, 21:53

This may be silly question

How do i get a good signal on 0.8 w then do a manual scan and most channels come up with poor signal and tune failed :confused:

03-12-13, 22:41
Hello Davon,

I had my motorised dish re-sited today and it went perfectly.

What do you mean you get a good signal then you do a manual scan and get tune failed?

Sorry if you have gone through this but did you go on dish pointer and find out where your dish should be pointing?

There are tutorials on the forum about how best to install a motorised dish.

If you have already done that . . . someone more informed and knowledgeable will help if you clarify what you mean.

03-12-13, 22:57
I have just been up ladder and bracket is not level!
Also how / where do you get dish/bracket elevation values ??


03-12-13, 23:10
I know this one as I have done a lot of research!

Go to dishpointer.com, put your post code in, select 0 degrees in the drop down menu, click go, that will give your starting point as to where your longitude and latitude should be on the motorised dish.
The picture will also tell you where your dish should be pointed, that is your starting point. From there, hopefully you should be able to go to whatever satellite you select. That is how I did mine.

I am assuming you have a motorised dish?

I would suggest you read up a bit first before you start putting the dish up.

It's dark out there as well, I personally would leave it until it's light . . you might get an asbo if your neighbours complain . . .
: (

03-12-13, 23:17
I know this one as I have done a lot of research!

Go to dishpointer.com, put your post code in, select 0 degrees in the drop down menu, click go, that will give your starting point as to where your longitude and latitude should be on the motorised dish.
The picture will also tell you where your dish should be pointed, that is your starting point. From there, hopefully you should be able to go to whatever satellite you select. That is how I did mine.

I am assuming you have a motorised dish?

I would suggest you read up a bit first before you start putting the dish up.

It's dark out there as well, I personally would leave it until it's light . . you might get an asbo if your neighbours complain . . .
: (

Yes your right Sanjhere ;-0 Might have to wait to weekend ! or get proffesional to do it . Concerned now because bracket not level

03-12-13, 23:23
I have done the same before matey . . .

I generally have to draw long lines and use a spirit level.

I always say, never give up but if you have never done this before or at least even read up on it . . . let someone else do it or get someone to help you.

Errrr . . I don't like heights especially up ladders . . .

03-12-13, 23:39
Yes Sanjhere i think it will have to wait till daylight . These dishes people put at groundlevel have some benefits !! Might be worth £50 to get tuned properly

04-12-13, 19:47
It sounds like your dish isn't positioned to follow the arc correctly, get someone in its saves a whole lot of messing