View Full Version : C+ Multideporte channels

03-12-13, 00:07
At the risk of ridicule for asking a silly question I'll do it anyway.

Anyone know how to actually access these channels - or do they only become accessible when matches are on?

I go to the channel on 30W and 19E and there are 9 mini screens. Any idea how to actually access the channels?


03-12-13, 00:12
Use dbedit to check if the channels are stored as "data", if they are change them to "TV"

03-12-13, 00:13
Thanks, will give that a go.


03-12-13, 00:17
I could be totally wrong but I remember having to do the same with the sky sports interactive services in order to view them.

03-12-13, 00:20
I could be totally wrong but I remember having to do the same with the sky sports interactive services in order to view them.

They appear to be set as type 'TV' on both satellites. Gah.

03-12-13, 12:44
Liverpool v Norwich is on Multideportes 3 tomorrow night... that channel is currently showing a blank screen for me too, tho in the epg it says the current transmission ends at 19:40 tomorrow night so im hoping it always shows a blank screen until they are ready to show the match!!

03-12-13, 14:50
they do be blank until near the time as far as i remember

14-12-13, 09:26
Jordie is correct. As they are interactive, or "red button" channels, they usually only show a couple of adverts at most before a game.

14-12-13, 09:32
Be aware though, "C+ Multideportes" and "Multideportes" are two different channels, "C+ Multideportes" is a multiple panel screen showing what is on various C+ subscription channels and "Multideportes" is an interacrive channel.

17-12-13, 20:39
On Multideportes 3 just now on 19.2e I'm just getting sound from spanish game and a black screen?