View Full Version : Cant overwrite BH image

01-12-13, 09:43
I trying to get a BH image off my receiver i have just bought and get a vix one on.

I have tried 2 different memory sticks both formatted to fat 32 , 4 different images and all usb ports and still it just starts in BH !!!

Any ideas please :confused:

Thank you

01-12-13, 09:53
Use a GENUINE Kingston USB stick, MAX size 8GB and use REAR USB port.

Format FAT32 with this tool http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45-HP-USB-Stick-Drive-Format-Tool

01-12-13, 10:18

It says administrator rights are required to run tool ??

01-12-13, 10:27
yes just right click on the program and select run as administrator.

01-12-13, 12:40
Still wont flash , any other ways please ???

01-12-13, 12:52
so what exact image is on there at the moment and what exact images ( including build numbers ) are you trying to flash ?.

Another thing where did you buy it from as Solo2 clones are just now hitting the market.

01-12-13, 13:02
I have on BH Build 2013-11-12 master
Trying vix 3.0.773

01-12-13, 13:06
Have you tried any other ViX builds ? and are you sure the power button is reacting when you press it as sometimes mine does not first time.

01-12-13, 13:08
Sounds like you have a BH backup image saved on your Hard Drive,

Save your BH backup to your pc first (just incase you wish to restore it at a later date)
then delete it off your hard drive,
then flash Vix image and all should be fine...

01-12-13, 13:10
Sounds like you have a BH backup image saved on your Hard Drive,

Save your BH backup to your pc first (just incase you wish to restore it at a later date)
then delete it off your hard drive,
then flash Vix image and all should be fine...

Must be a BH thing then as i have several dozen ViX backups saved to both the HDD and USB stick and never have issues flashing my solo2.

01-12-13, 13:17
Yep it's the way that they named the image backup root folder "vuplus" that causes issues

01-12-13, 13:26
Yes ive tried a few same with usbs and ports
Bought new boxed from ebay Guy said not cloned ( i asked before purchase ) and has been messenging me setting up previosly . I have flashed it twice before



01-12-13, 13:27
Yep it's the way that they named the image backup root folder "vuplus" that causes issues

A local lad ( you can come to my house and do it !!):D:D

01-12-13, 13:35
Sounds like you have a BH backup image saved on your Hard Drive,

Save your BH backup to your pc first (just incase you wish to restore it at a later date)
then delete it off your hard drive,
then flash Vix image and all should be fine...

When it came it had BH image on but did not like it . I managed to get vix on ok , then sound went of (had to restart enigma every time for sound ) so i reflashed a BH image on , but now cant do vix . I have no harddrive attached ( no internal or usb ) . Are you saying delete image from menu then flash . If so please explain how


01-12-13, 13:43
Flashing a new image first erases the old one, if you erased the image separately by some other means the receiver would no longer boot up.

01-12-13, 13:47
Well what i was referring to was if you had a HDD installed or mounted USB which included a Blackhole Image backup folder named " vuplus "

Im not sure if its possible to save a Blackhole image Backup to Flash!
maybe Phoenix could advise?

02-12-13, 07:56
Sorted now :)
It was the file structure . I had so many images i had named the folder incorrectly .
