View Full Version : Picons usb

30-11-13, 17:52
How do you make picons go on usb rather than go usb harddrive using vix 793 on vu solo2

30-11-13, 18:27
When you dl from feeds it will give you the option of where to save, as long as you have the usb initialised it will show as an option. You will need to delete current version first and then reinstall.

abu baniaz
30-11-13, 19:08
You can only save to usb from feeds if the usb drive is in ext format. If fat32 you will have to download manually and transfer to the drive. some picon packs have symlinks and these will not work.

repeating what I was taught by rvdd

30-11-13, 19:13
Thanks a lot makes total sense now

30-11-13, 19:33
if your using the solo2 save them to the internal flash, there is more than enough available and it's the fastest media available to the receiver.