View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Ekai picons on latest Ocram downloads

30-11-13, 11:55
Hi. I've downloaded the latest SHD white no padding picons from the feeds but lots of my picons have been replaced with a Greek? Channel picon EKAI.
Anyone else seeing this?
Any way to roll back?

30-11-13, 12:23
A little bug has slipped in when generating the symlinks, expect a new update later today with the fix.

PS: If you like to be notified about new updates you can receive pushover notifications on your phone, you should send me your Pushover UserKey if you would like to receive these notifications.

30-11-13, 13:07
That's great thank you. I do regular updates on the box so don't think I need notifications (unless I'm missing a selling point of course!)
Thanks again. Great picon set as always :)