View Full Version : FTP Issue through SSH Tunnel

29-11-13, 16:15
Hi All,
Image Used:Vix 775

I've setup a ssh tunnel to connect remotely to my Vu+ Solo2. This was sucessfully setup, no issues. This allows me to telnet in remotely.

I then went about trying to access the FTP services on the receiver remotely.

What I did.

Setup a SSH dynamic local port (on my laptop).
Setup filezilla (on my laptop) to use the dynamic local port as a SOCK5 proxy.

When I try and connect through filezilla, I go through the tunnel but fail on the authenication process.

FTP Log:

Status: Connecting to *********** through proxy
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection with proxy established, performing handshake...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Inactivity timer = 120 seconds. Use 'site idle <secs>' to change.
Command: USER root
Response: 331 Password required.
Command: PASS ***********
Response: 530 Permission denied
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server

The SSH logs I looked at seem to confirm that the FTP traffic is being sent through the tunnel to the Solo2. It appears as though the request is failing on the authenication process (username and password).

I'm using the credentials of the Solo2 i.e. user root and my password that I set.

I suspect that the FTP service listening on the Solo2 is not handling this correctly and hence failing. I thought I'd ask the question on here to anyone in the know of how the FTP service on the Solo2 vix 775 image is setup to handle local authenication requests (dropbear is just acting as the ftp client, so the ftp request is internal to the box not remote).

Any help would be appreciated.