View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Only "Text-Mode" in GraphEPG

26-11-13, 10:55

unfortunately, I`am just back with a new support request ...

Using "GraphEPG" the display with my two boxes is always and only as "text" mode, even if I select "Graphics" in the menu of "GraphEPG". :confused:

Does anyone have any idea what could the reason for this?


26-11-13, 11:03
provide a debug log when your calling gepg perhaps graphics are missing.

Erstelle mal ein Debug-Log vielleicht fehlen Grafiken.


Rob van der Does
26-11-13, 11:04
Which skin do you use? And do you use a skin-user?

26-11-13, 11:31
provide a debug log when your calling gepg perhaps graphics are missing.

Erstelle mal ein Debug-Log vielleicht fehlen Grafiken.

I would like to do that, but unfortunately I am in Linux a little bit "clueless" - how does it work exactly?

Mach ich gerne, bin nur leider in Linux etwas "unbedarft" - wie funktioniert denn das genau?

Which skin do you use? And do you use a skin-user?

I use skin "Magic-HD-Night" and yes, I use a skin_user but only with content/small changes in screens "infobar", "secondinfobar", "channelselection" and "movieselection".

26-11-13, 12:10
In Menü, Einstellungen, System, Logs, Einstellungen you could activate a debug log. Activate it, restart box and then play a bit with g-epg. Connect to your box with FTP (FileZilla for instance) and in /hdd/log or /home/root/logs you should find a logfile which contains important information to find your problem. Post this file here.


26-11-13, 12:17
Thanks for the explanation.

I will try to create a log tonight (I'm currently not at home ... ;)) and then post it here.

26-11-13, 13:36

unfortunately, I`am just back with a new support request ...

Using "GraphEPG" the display with my two boxes is always and only as "text" mode, even if I select "Graphics" in the menu of "GraphEPG". :confused:

Does anyone have any idea what could the reason for this?


well if you look closely you will the timeline is using graphics, so it does seem that the required png files are missing for the rest.

26-11-13, 14:26
I had problem a while ago , I deleted my skin user and reloaded Magic HD skin, then re-edited the skin to my liking.
This fixed the issue as i had created my user skin some time ago.
How old is your user skin?

26-11-13, 14:34
Will I be happy to check when I get home. What are the required png`s and in which directory they have to be? If the required png`s should actually missing, where can I download this?

Would somehow weird if they were really missing - I have nothing deleted from the image (at least not consciously :whistle:).

Thanks again to all of you for your support!

26-11-13, 14:37
How old is your user skin?

Just a few days ago. But I'll try your tip like.

Excuse the "double post" - the answer from garyblas came while I wrote my previous message ...

26-11-13, 15:22
when something is missing reinstalling should help. So you could try

1. select other skin,
2. uninstall magic-hd-night
3. install magic-hd-night
4. select magic-hd-night


26-11-13, 22:08

now I have first uninstall and install skin Magic-hd-night: just same problem ...

Then test graph-epg with debug-log. Log is uploaded.


27-11-13, 09:49
although there is a small bug in the skin it does not explain the "text mode".

When did you make your last full flash?

Here are my settings and my gepg.


27-11-13, 10:17

last full flash was just a few weeks ago (I think build 773).

although there is a small bug in the skin it does not explain the "text mode".

Strange, because even after uninstall, and reinstall skin magic-hd-night over feed yesterday night and also with other skins (for example vix-hd-night), the "error" in graphepg is still the same ... :confused:

Any idea to solve the "problem" without a new flash?

Thank`s for help.

Rob van der Does
27-11-13, 10:20
Why without a flash? Make a settingsbackup, flash, restore during the first install wizard and you're up & running in a couple of minutes.
The obvious restoration didn't work, so unless you're an expert, a flash is the way to go!

27-11-13, 10:26
Okay, I will try with new flash and settingsbackup - will then report whether I was successful ...

28-11-13, 09:06
Good Morning,

Problem solved: The reason for the incorrect Display of graphepg was the plugin "partnerbox" - after deinstallation of "partnerbox", graphic-mode is now "ok". :thumbsup:

Sorry for the inconvenience due to my own "mistake" and thanks again for your support.

By the way: I had installed "partnerbox" because of missing (for me) functionality of the plugin "remotetimer" in the selection of recording paths on the remote box - see my description here:

With "partnerbox" by set a timer to a remotebox, all recording paths of the remotebox are available and can be selected (and the recording is then done also correctly to the selected path) - unfortunately this does not work with plugin "remotetimer" ... :confused:


28-11-13, 10:23
Good Morning,

Problem solved: The reason for the incorrect Display of graphepg was the plugin "partnerbox" - after deinstallation of "partnerbox", graphic-mode is now "ok". :thumbsup:

Sorry for the inconvenience due to my own "mistake" and thanks again for your support.

By the way: I had installed "partnerbox" because of missing (for me) functionality of the plugin "remotetimer" in the selection of recording paths on the remote box - see my description here:

With "partnerbox" by set a timer to a remotebox, all recording paths of the remotebox are available and can be selected (and the recording is then done also correctly to the selected path) - unfortunately this does not work with plugin "remotetimer" ... :confused:


then ask the author of remote timer to add this support.