View Full Version : solo 2 and motor set up nightmare

24-11-13, 10:46
Hi all

New to vu plus
I have a motorised dish with one LNB with 2 connections to it . i have 2 seperate cables running to reciever . Can someone please guide me through tuner set up . positioner /simple / loopthrough /advanced / discqe / usals its a nightmare . The book supplied is hopeless . It has an image on machine and when i went through only offered 13 and 19.2 e . Downloaded channels but dish only moves to 13 e . !!! Sometimes get a green screen and restart too
Really need help please on installing tuner and lats long .

Appreciate your time



24-11-13, 11:07
USALS is not a nightmare, it's pretty straightforward :-)

In tuner config:

- Enter your Latitude / longitude coordinates (Use dishpointer.com)

As long as your dish is aligned correctly this is all you need for 1 tuner. Get that set up 1st then try setting up the 2nd tuner.

24-11-13, 11:48

But what are settings on A and B tuners ?
Do i set b up and leave as positioner , or should they be advanced / loopthrough / disque A/B

can you please run through set up for an idiot !


24-11-13, 11:57
Do you only have 1 dish? Or do you have a separate sky dish?

Start off with one tuner. Ignore the other until you are set up with the motor.

Set 1 tuner to Not configured
Set other tuner to what I wrote above

24-11-13, 17:55

i have only one motorised dish . I will try this .


24-11-13, 18:06
Looking at motor it originally had a single lnb connected to motor , then a cable from motor to receiver . When i instal TWIN LNB does the other cable run direct from LNB back to receiver ?


24-11-13, 21:28
You can run another cable from the lnb to the reciever, but only one tuner can operate the motor. This Is the cable from the motor not the lnb.

24-11-13, 22:26
I can get a manual lock on 28.2 but cant save it to channel list , any ideas please

24-11-13, 23:00
Sorry but I have no idea what you are trying to do. Have you got any bouquets installed e.g vhannibal or catseye?

The bouquets contain channel listings for a motorised set up. If you have configured the tuner correctly you should be able to simply select a channel on a satellite and the dish will move accordingly.

24-11-13, 23:06
This is what I would do mate

Set the wire from the motor to tuner A
Set the wire from lnb to tuner B

Set tuner settings like this
Tuner A
Long xxx.xxx
Lat xxx.xxx
(Use dish pointer)

Tuner B
Second cable of motorised LNb
(Leave everything else as default)

Then save everything and download latest settings file from feeds (I use catseye 70e-40w)

Then I would go to menu/setup/service searching/sat finder, search for 0.8west if you get a lock good stuff, change to say 28e same again lock good good, if your motor is set up correctly you should get a lock on most of the sats available in your area.

If not then you need to get the ladder out and make some adjustments...

24-11-13, 23:16
This is what I would do mate

Set the wire from the motor to tuner A
Set the wire from lnb to tuner B

Set tuner settings like this
Tuner A
Long xxx.xxx
Lat xxx.xxx
(Use dish pointer)

Tuner B
Second cable of motorised LNb
(Leave everything else as default)

Then save everything and download latest settings file from feeds (I use catseye 70e-40w)

Then I would go to menu/setup/service searching/sat finder, search for 0.8west if you get a lock good stuff, change to say 28e same again lock good good, if your motor is set up correctly you should get a lock on most of the sats available in your area.

If not then you need to get the ladder out and make some adjustments...

Hi please explain how to download settings file from feeds ??


24-11-13, 23:18
Well presuming you are using the vix image, you simply long press blue then press green to download the list the chose settings and install a setting of your choice.

(This settings file gives you the most up to date channel list/bouquet) so no need to scan any satellites you can simply zap to any channels from the bouquet and your motor should move to the correct location (if your long/lat are correct for your area) in tuner settings.

24-11-13, 23:29
what do you mean by download settings file from feeds

24-11-13, 23:36
The settings in basic terms contain a list of channels for the satellites you wish to access.

I personally would use "vhannibal motor" rather than Catseye (catseye is not compatible with AutoBouquetsMaker.

24-11-13, 23:40
Menu - plugins - download plugins (This connects to the VIX feeds)

Settings - vhannibal.motor (1.0+git292)

25-11-13, 00:03
The settings in basic terms contain a list of channels for the satellites you wish to access.

I personally would use "vhannibal motor" rather than Catseye (catseye is not compatible with AutoBouquetsMaker.

Catseye works fine with auto bouquet maker for me mate.

@Davon what image are you currently using?

25-11-13, 00:10
Catseye works fine with auto bouquet maker for me mate.

@Davon what image are you currently using?

Catseye doesn't use a standard satellites.xml file so you end up having multiple "N/A" entries where channels should be after running ABM. It is a known issue amongst the community and the suggested workaround is to move to vhannibal

See my post here > http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?32907-CatseyeSettings-with-AutoBouquetsMaker

25-11-13, 00:17
Catseye doesn't use a standard satellites.xml file so you end up having multiple "N/A" entries where channels should be after running ABM. It is a known issue amongst the community and the suggested workaround is to move to vhannibal

See my post here > http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?32907-CatseyeSettings-with-AutoBouquetsMaker

Yeah I have had the n/a a few times I just uninstall then reinstall then run auto bouquet again. All is well at the mine using the latest catseye and my auto bouquet runs daily at 4am.

When setting up auto bouquet I disable keep all bouquets, then tick all the sats I want kept, (I do not keep sly UK) as well as a few others.

Then when I run auto-bouquet for sly uk everything is fine. I have done this for well over a year mate and only had the N/A a few times.

25-11-13, 00:22
Maybe this is because I do not keep sly uk from the catseye setting? Don't see the point in having two lots of sly uk in there.

Anyway back to helping Damon.
What image and build number are you using mate? (I suspect not vix) for some reason..??