View Full Version : Setting up two dishes on Solo 2

22-11-13, 21:11
OK completely new to this so hopefully the information below will be at least enough to give you guys and understanding of what my problem is!

I have just moved from the Skybox F3 to the Solo2, it's like day and night, such a box, but I am having a problem.

I am using two static dishes one pointing at Eutelsat 28A & Astra 1N/2A/2F at 28.2°E, the other Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B/13C/13D at 13.0°
Since moving to the Solo 2 I am unable to pick up any of the channels from the Hot Bird satellite.

I really have no idea what settings I need to change in order to get the other dish up and running.

What do I need to do to get the Hot Bird channels?

Thanks in advance, if you need any more information from me please ask.


abu baniaz
22-11-13, 22:46
the most important thing is config must match hardware.

are you using a diseqc switch or have two separate cables from dish to receiver?

please also say what each tuner is configured as

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22-11-13, 23:03
Hi abu, thanks for the reply, originally I had the standard sly plus set up two cables from the one dish into the sly + box. Then I got the other dish, each dish has its own cable but there is a loop connecting the two dishes? If that makes any sense?

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22-11-13, 23:04
How do I find out what each tuner is configured as?

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22-11-13, 23:14
How do I find out what each tuner is configured as?

Image used?
If ViX, Menu -> Setup -> Service searching -> Tuner configuration.

22-11-13, 23:22
Thanks Judge,

Tuner A: bcm7355 dvb-s2 (internal) (dvb-s2) toner burst a/b
Sat 28.8e eutelsat 28a & astra 1n/2a/2f, 13.0e eutelsat hot bird 1

Tuner B: Bcm7355 dvb-s2 nim (internal) (dvb-s2)
Sats 28.2e eutelsat 28a & astra 1n/2a/2f

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abu baniaz
22-11-13, 23:24
what is this loop? where is it exactly? describe as much as possible? did 13 e work on your previous receiver?

22-11-13, 23:49
Yes 13e worked on the f3 through one cable

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22-11-13, 23:56
From what I can see, its dark, one cable runs direct from the 28.2e dish to the receiver. There is a box of some sort attached to the 28.2 dish that the 13e dish and the 28.2e dish are both connected to via seperate cables. Then a cable runs from this box to the reciever. That gives me my two inputs.

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23-11-13, 00:12
so you have a diseqc switch. check which port each dish is on at the switch.
e.g. 28.2 port A 13.0 port B or visa versa. then make sure that tuner config
is the same. i would guess that 28.2 is port A as that is the port that is first
defualted to if tuner is not configured. if it was 13.0 on port A you would get
hotbird and no sky.

23-11-13, 00:24
Ok so your basically saying that my tuner config is back to front at the reciever? So if I change the cables round hotbird should work also?

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23-11-13, 01:22
no not back to front. sorry if you know this. but, you said you was new to this. so will
assume you dont. a disecq switch is simply a device to automaticaly switch between satellites.
standard switches come in either 2 or 4 ports. or if you prefer 2 or 4 connections. so if you have
a 2 port switch. it will have 3 connections. one will be marked reciever. so thats obvious where it
goes to. the others will be marked lnb1 and lnb2 or satA and satB. same thing. if the cable from
your sky dish is connected to lnb1 (or satA) and 13.0 is connected to lnb2. then the configuration
on your reciever must match. disecq A = ASTRA 28.2 DISECQ B= 13.0 HOTBIRD. hope this is of help.

abu baniaz
23-11-13, 04:59
Just to add to the above...
Your previous post says that you have toneburst, change this to diseqc a/b for the tuner which has the cable from the diseqc switch.

23-11-13, 07:58
Thanks guys, I will investigate the hardware setup and try to match up the config on the receiver. Once this is done I will report back and we can take it from there.

Thanks again

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23-11-13, 08:00
I have noticed this morning that in the info bar when you change channel it is always displaying 'tuner b'

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abu baniaz
23-11-13, 08:19
far easier to make config match hardware. if you have confiured correctly, receiver will user any available tuner if priority is set to auto.

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23-11-13, 10:25
o.k. reading back to your earlier post. it reads that you
have two sets of cables. one is direct from the sky dish.
the other is connected to both the sky and the hotbird dish
via a box. is that correct? if yes. check the box to see if it
is a disecq or a toneburst switch. the reason you need to check
is because you say you originaly had a sky+ box which have
no disecq capability. when you have checked this out properly.
post here and either myself or abu will have you up and running
in no time.

23-11-13, 11:10
The system has been wired like that because his F3 skybox only has one tuner, I think he could connect the single feed from 28.2 to tuner A and have that tuner set in a simple config as 28.2 only, then the other "loop" feed into tuner B and set that tuner config to simple 13e only.

23-11-13, 11:47
yep that would work fine, and nice and simple. kinda depends on his viewing requirments.
the only drawback for that config. would be if for example he wanted to watch sport on
BT1. and the missus wanted to record corrie at same time. sort of crabs the idea of a twin
tuner. very much down to personal viewing requirments i guess.:thumbsup:

23-11-13, 11:50
Yeah I would like to be able to record multiple programmes at once.

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23-11-13, 12:23
then its back to earlier post. check what cables go where and if its a toneburst
or disecq. BTW. if you wanted to use the full twin tuner facilities for both sats.
you will need two switches. one for both lines. if your out and about at moment,
pop into your local shop and pick a couple up. there cheap enough. i think disecq
is better for what you want to do.

23-11-13, 12:26
i have a similar set up with

1 feed from 28.2e into tuner a
i have 2 other sats, 13.0e & 19.2e which each go into a port on 4 way disecq switch with then output from disecq switch to tuner b

tuner a is setup for single simple 28.2

tuner b is set up for disecq a/b with 13.0 & 19.2 assigned to a & b in the config

and it works well however unfortunately i have only 1 feed from 28.2 which limits me with recording single transponder. if i had twin feed from 28.2 i would put the other into port c of the disecq switch and set up tuner b for disecq a/b/c/d with the relevant sats assigned to each of a/b/c.

hope this helps

23-11-13, 12:48
yea well i would guess that 28.2 is the priority sat. so if he thinks he wouldnt need to watch
and record at same time off hotbird, then a switch on say tunerA from 28.2 and 13.0. and
a straight feed without a switch from 28.2 into tunerB would suffice.:smiley_yup:

23-11-13, 12:53
Thanks guys my head is spinning all these ideas. Lets get it working first then we can take it to the next level.

Thanks for all the help.

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23-11-13, 13:14
sorry m8. we sometimes forget when we knew sod all and how
we thought we would never get our head around it. :confused:

23-11-13, 17:14
Okay got the ladder out and had a look, 13e has a cable coming from the lnb and going into the diseqc switch (lnb2), 28.2 has a cable going direct to the receiver and one going to the diseqc (lnb 1), then finally there is a cable from the diseqc switch to the receiver.

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abu baniaz
23-11-13, 18:20
Solution to your problem is in post 13. Here is a picture of the settings for the tuner which has the diseqc cable

23-11-13, 19:13
Thats great, thank you abu. How do I add a bouquet for 13e?

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abu baniaz
23-11-13, 19:29
You can use AutoBouquetsMaker to make bouquets for 13E too. See the ABM guide on the VIX download site. Link also in my signature. This would probably be best in terms of self updating.

23-11-13, 19:46
I used it for 28.2 its a great job. Next one might be a silly question once, before I use ABM is there a way I can tell if my cables are in the correct tuners? I can't physically check as I loose track of which cable is which once they go into the wall

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abu baniaz
23-11-13, 20:08
Set both tuners identically as diseq a/b. Leave the satellite as automatic. It will scan conencted sats automatically detect the sats and populat the entried for you. Label the cables afterwards.

23-11-13, 20:10
You don't have the lottery numbers do you?

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23-11-13, 20:12
So just set them up as in your photo? Then scan

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abu baniaz
23-11-13, 20:29
My previous photo is based on info that you knew which cable was which. You later said that you were not sure which cable was which. At this point I said to set to automatic so taht it automatically detects what you have. Following picture depicts both set to auto as well of one with scanning process. When it finds the satellites, the names will be populated.

23-11-13, 20:40
Brilliant, thank you very much.

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23-11-13, 21:56
That worked a treat, tuners are now properly set up, on to getting the channels up now. Thank you to all that contributed. Feel like I learnt a few things in the last 24 hours.

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23-11-13, 22:53
Okay, so some hotbird channels are showing up now but when I go to watch a channel I am just getting a blank screen, I am getting now and next information but no picture. Any ideas?

23-11-13, 22:59
Not sure if this next bit of information is of any use but.....

When I go into Menu/Setup/Service searching/Sat finder

Tuner A
Satellite 28.2e is showing 81% SNR / 91% AGC

Tuner B
Satellite 28.2e is 85% SNR / 91% AGC

But for Satellite 13.0e SNR and AGC are both 0%


23-11-13, 23:01
That worked a treat, tuners are now properly set up, on to getting the channels up now. Thank you to all that contributed. Feel like I learnt a few things in the last 24 hours.

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might be a good idea to do a settings back up so you wont have to go through the process again in case of any future image upgrade problems etc

23-11-13, 23:03
Hi hammy, how do backup?

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23-11-13, 23:10
blue button>vix>backup manager>green button
this will create a backup of all your existing settings and can be restored later by accessing the same menu.
handy if your tuner set up gets mixed up etc

23-11-13, 23:11
Great tip, thank you

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abu baniaz
24-11-13, 00:07
I know that it is a steep learning curve. Do you really need a backup to restore this tuner setup? As with all tuner setups, the vital thing is that the config must match hardware.

@Stu5,please confirm that
A. You know which cable is which and that you have labelled them.
B. For the 28.2 tuner, you have set this to simple, single 28.2
C. For the tuner with coax coming from the diseqc switch, you have it set as per post 27.

24-11-13, 00:54
For the diseqc tuner port b is 13.0e Eutelsat hot bird 13b/13c/13d

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24-11-13, 00:55
Yes to all, though for port b on the diseqc cable it is 13.0e eutelsat hot bird 13b/13c/13d

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24-11-13, 14:38
i would take a guess you have the cables mixed m8. to confirm both dishes are working o.k.
you know the 28.2 is fine. so disconnect the cable that goes from disecq to reciever. then
connect it directly to the hotbird dish. you should now have one cable to one tuner with sky
down it. and one to the other tuner with 13.0 down it. do a quick scan on both to check that
they are both working correctly. assuming they are both o.k. this will also confirm which cable
is what. then back to the disecq to reconnect as before. now i know this seems long winded.
but. because you cant visually trace your cables, this will allow you to both confirm what cables
go where. and that both sats are working correctly. now recheck the configs on the tuner to
ensure they match your hardware. if alls well everything should be o.k.

24-11-13, 15:59
Ok so Abu suggested a manual scan on the tuner with the diseqc cable, this worked a treat and has brought up most of the missing channels. Next up is tidying up the favorites and getting an epg for all the channels.

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24-11-13, 16:38
happy dayz. you have a couple of choices for epg. crossepg seems about best for
your system and works fine with vix. but kick around a bit with different stuff
see how you get on.