View Full Version : Epg not updating

21-11-13, 22:21
Hi Hope ive posted in the right section but im having problems with my EPG not updating,i was using crossepgdownloader to update my channels but noticed problems with the last image i was running the xtrend 9200 i was using was having many errors and sticking in a loop i was advised that the image i had was unstable and should try the latest image which i have done but now its not updating the bouquets again and im not sure of the right action to update my bouquets without further problems, any help would be appreciated.

21-11-13, 22:30
So, what image & build are you currently using?
Also, what are your tuner setups?

21-11-13, 22:33
I have the latest vix image 3.0 787, running from 28.2 e

21-11-13, 22:56
3.0 787 isn't currently the 'latest vix image'
790 is available on http://www.openvix.co.uk/ & as an online update.

Are both tuners configured, if so, how? & have you feeds going to both tuners?

21-11-13, 23:27
Hi yes they are configured both tuner A and B to astra 1n/2a/2b/2d/eutelsat 28A (28.2E) yes both feeds going to both tuners.

21-11-13, 23:29
and does an update to 790 fix the issue?

21-11-13, 23:31
To be honest i didnt realise there was an update to the build i will do an update now and report with results, thanks for your help/

21-11-13, 23:32
If flashing build 790 does not sort your EPG issues try removing CrossEPG via the plugins section then reinstall it again from the feeds, this has helped a few other members although i personally have not had any issues with CrossEPG.

also what Bouquets are you using as a few members have reported issues with the Catseyes bouquets over the last few weeks.

21-11-13, 23:34
Ok will do, i was using the sgtflip flop bouquets.

21-11-13, 23:36
Try a different bouquet pack, also if your using the SGTFlipFlop bouquets presumably for the sky uk lineup why not try the inbuilt ABM plugin to do it for you ?.

21-11-13, 23:42
Just updated the box and have No bouquets at all, so would you reccomend the ABM plugin and can it be found in the section of plugins on the xtrend 9200, thanks

21-11-13, 23:45
ABM is built into the image you can find a basic setup tutorial for it via www.openvix.co.uk

21-11-13, 23:47
It's installed by default.
Menu -> Setup -> Service Searching -> AutoBouquetsMaker

22-11-13, 21:16
Hi again, tried the autobouquetsmaker but still not loading all channels, do you think i should re flash the box and set the box up again without using the backup i had..?

22-11-13, 21:20
It's not loading your channel lists or EPG? ABM will have little to do with your EPG not loading.
No harm in doing a fresh flash with no restore anyway.

22-11-13, 21:29
Hi sorry, i have my channel lists, just in the bouquets its blank and have no info of whats on ect, was thinking it might be the backup thats corrupted..?

22-11-13, 22:25
You need to run crossepg after configuring it. You may have already configured it so press blue button and you will see crossepg, run it and see if it fixes your problem

22-11-13, 22:31
Yes i tried that, its getting stuck when reading the files and i have to reboot the box, thanks.

22-11-13, 23:34
Yes i tried that, its getting stuck when reading the files and i have to reboot the box, thanks.

go into the plugins menu and remove crossepg then re-install it from the image feeds.

23-11-13, 00:15
Worked a treat thank you. much appreciated.