View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] No sound on TV startup

19-11-13, 15:08
Hi when I switch my TV off and back on I have no sound, I have to go into audio and turn digital down mix off and on again then it works!

I thought it may have something to do with HDMI CEC enabled which turns the box into standby but disabled it and sill the same issue.

Any ideas


26-11-13, 16:58
Does anyone know the answer to this issue please?


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26-11-13, 23:23
Try a reflash to 793 by usb Khan, backup settings before so you can be back up and running in minutes.

27-11-13, 01:17
Thanks lgleave22 I'll give that a try tomorrow and report back

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Rob van der Does
27-11-13, 09:17
I know this isn't going to help you, but I don't recognise the issue.
But it sounds like HDMI-handshake issues. Do I understand correctly that you turn the TV off, while the box is still on?

27-11-13, 10:33
That's correct Rob, I do have hdmi CEC enabled which automatically turns the box into standby once I turn the tv off

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Rob van der Does
27-11-13, 10:51
And if you do it the other way around? So let the box control the TV?

27-11-13, 11:05
Ok tried the other way around and still getting the no sound...This only happens sometimes but more often then not

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19-12-13, 20:37
Does anyone know the reason why this happens? It's getting annoying now :smash:

Thank you

Rob van der Does
19-12-13, 21:37
Please try what happens if you:
1- Disable HDMI-CEC
2- Activate the TV before you activate the STB

if this doesn't work:
2a- Activate the STB before the TV

20-12-13, 16:08
Thanks for your reply Rob. Option 2a seems to have sorted the problem, would you know why this is?

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Rob van der Does
20-12-13, 16:14
As I suggested before: it has to do with the HDMI-handshake. That is a tricky, sensitive process, and depending on the quality of the protocols on both sides.

20-12-13, 16:20
Oh ok thanks think i will just stick to what I'm doing :)

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