View Full Version : HDD stopped working and not showing

19-11-13, 01:06
Hi, I recently bought a VU+ Duo from WOS with a 500gb HDD pre installed, and BH image. After a couple of weeks the HDD stopped working and wouldn't show up. Ive recently reflashed with the latest Vix image and the HDD is still not showing in devices or mount manager. Is there anything I can do or check before contacting WOS? Is it worth taking the HDD out of the box and refitting it? Thanks

19-11-13, 01:24
Does the HDD show up under Menu -> Information -> Devices?
Also, did you ever install TSPanel?

19-11-13, 01:30
no, doesn't show in devices. I had TS Panel when using BH image but I've not got it since switching to Vix.

19-11-13, 01:43
Try formatting the drive under Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage Devices so.

19-11-13, 12:36
Hi, the HDD doesn't show as a storage device, only the USB stick I'm using shows up there.

19-11-13, 15:32
Have you tried removing the USB, reboot and go back into Menu -> Setup -> System -> Storage Devices to see if it shows?

19-11-13, 23:48
will try now, although it didn't show prior to inserting the USB. i'll report back shortly, thanks for the info! :)

23-11-13, 21:50
Update: took the USB out, still no sign of the HDD showing where it should on the menus. So, is removing and refitting it likely to have any effect?