View Full Version : Bouquets change overnight

18-11-13, 23:45
Hi, I've got a VU+ Duo with the latest Vix image. Not had it very long so still learning. I used Autobouquetmaker to set up Sly bouqets then amended them to how I wanted them in DreamBoxEdit and FTPd them to my box - all fine so far. Next day they had reverted back to the original Sly bouquets that Autobouquetmaker had set up. The Cross EPG Setup is scheduled to download each night, and under Autobouquetmaker - Configure, its set to do a scheduled scan just before the Cross EPG download. Is one or both of these nightly updates reverting my bouquets back to the Sly ones in Autobouquetmaker? Or if not, is there a way to keep them the same as I've set them up in DreamBoxEdit? Thanks in advance :)

18-11-13, 23:57
Every time ABM does a scan it deletes the previous bouquet and builds a new one, so if you want to keep a custom bouquet you will have to disable the scheduled scan. There may be another way around it but i'm not sure as i just leave ABM to do it's own thing every morning and it suites me fine.

19-11-13, 00:05
if you want to keep a custom bouquet you will have to disable the scheduled scan

Not really, you can keep a custom bouquet & even set it to your main bouquet in ABM.
As long as it has 100 or less channels, scheduled updated bouquets will still keep Sky numbering.

19-11-13, 00:07
Not really, you can keep a custom bouquet & even set it to your main bouquet in ABM.
As long as it has 100 or less channels, scheduled updated bouquets will still keep Sky numbering.


There may be another way around it but i'm not sure as i just leave ABM to do it's own thing every morning and it suites me fine.

19-11-13, 00:11
Yeah, just pointing out the way around it.
It's not always ideal though as that custom bouquet doesn't get updated with new frequencies as they change.
A few remote clicks with 'add to bouquet' is usually enough to sort though when it happens.

19-11-13, 00:21
Thanks guys. Not too bothered about channel numbers, I just wanted the categories as they appear on sky, eg kids, movies etc. The one I got from ABM had the categories but in an unusual order, and under the 'all channels' everything was there but in no real order, hence I set them up in DreamBoxEdit.

19-11-13, 00:23
No need to use DreamBoxEdit if you want proper Sky channel ordering, what are you changing?
ABM should keep you fully uupdated for your region.

19-11-13, 00:28
Sounds like I've done something wrong in ABM. I changed things like, BBC2 / ITV / Ch4 / Ch5 were the non HD versions in positions 2-5, so I deleted them and swapped in the HD versions.

19-11-13, 00:40
You can enable HD or SD bouquets for region.

19-11-13, 01:07
Thanks, I'll give it a try

abu baniaz
19-11-13, 17:25
Don't forget to enable HD swap too.

19-11-13, 23:43
what is HD swap, is this an option in ABM or cross EPG? I've looked it up but can't find anything. thanks in advance!

abu baniaz
20-11-13, 17:15
what is HD swap, is this an option in ABM or cross EPG? I've looked it up but can't find anything. thanks in advance!
An option within ABM. It will swap channels 101-105 with their HD equivalents.