View Full Version : new setup on VIX - 1 static and 1 motor - settings required please

28-10-10, 21:09
Hi guys,

got two solo's installed already on 28Estatis.

now need to replace my Dm600 motor setup onto the Duo and also take a feed off the 28E static

so current setup is:
tuner A - static 28E CCcam working fine
tuner B - motor 19.2E, 16E, 12E, 10E, 9E, 4.8E, 1W, 12.5W not working

all i have done is switch the motor cable from the Dm600 to the Duo and cant get the motor to turn. switch back to the Dm600 and all works fine so I assume either the tuner setting i have entered are incorrect or the dish motor is that old i need to replace it.

the motor is over 8 years old so dont know the model etc. however, i would assume with it being that old that it cant use USILS.. whatever that is.

Could anyone offer some setting please?

So far I have tried setting simple, set 19.9 and LNB 1, then save
then back into the config and change all the motor sats to the same LNB 1.
then tried to manually move motor,,, nthing.
changed config to diseq1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 and none of them move the motor.

I have also tied using positioner setting and same result. nothing.

28-10-10, 22:07
okay getting the dish to turn manually now with discq 1.2 but wont move when i change channels,

do i need to manually set seach sat bcos the motor may not utils?

28-10-10, 22:46
okay so now i have set each tuner on LNB without utsils and assigned each sat a number then positioned each sat manually - is this bcos my motor is not utsils?

28-10-10, 23:18
Try just using USAL's and transferring a set of Enigma2 motorised settings to the Duo, Cateyes Enigma 2 settings are usually spot on. Motor settings below (change long and latt to suit your area) : -


Latest Catseye settings http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?42-Catseye-Enigma2-Settings-file-75-East-to-58-West&p=22681&viewfull=1#post22681

29-10-10, 18:12
cheers for the reply
swapped the settings as above, now no dish movement whatsoever when i change channel

i can manually move the dish using the positioner setup plugin only