View Full Version : Solo 2 stopped un encrypting

10-11-13, 16:36
Hi Guys ,
Have come back today to find my Solo 2 will only view FTA channels . I'd made no changes since yesterday and yet no encrypted channels will view picture nor audio I was running Vix 3.0 and build 778, I've now updated to 783 and have the same issue. I've switched my router on and off, disabled and re enabled soft cam. Nework test was ok. So not sure why there should be anything blocking the signal ? Any idea's ? Is it possible that my router is blocking the single ?

Thanks Guys

10-11-13, 16:47
The router has nothing to do with your card but i'm assuming that you dont have a card ?, if this is the case we cant help you.

10-11-13, 17:09
Thanks Pheonix, I wasn't asking how to set it up as its been up for months buy using current threads on this site. I was just asking if it was possible that my router could be stopping the signal. Everything was working fine before and now its not. We've plenty of other threads on here relating to far more questionable topic's. :rolleyes:

10-11-13, 23:13
If you have a local card then no the router will have nothing to do with not getting any channels. More than likely your entitlements have run out. Check in ccam info.

10-11-13, 23:16
Thanks Sirius, Have managed to sort the issue.

21-11-13, 19:50
how did u sort it craig ? i have same issue

21-11-13, 20:25
sorted it now thanks

21-11-13, 20:47
Tell us all then? One of us may have the same issue in the future and your answer could help..

25-11-13, 13:50
Was a Network issue I changed Internet provider and it messed up the gateway ip.

25-11-13, 14:43
Obviously CS Then?