View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Update to VU+ Duo box sticking at Booting 99

colin hindle
07-11-13, 09:33
Hi, when restarting via the remote a software error is shown-


Component Enigma 2

Skin parsing embeded skin

remote control buttons when pressed show on box screen, ie channel number, timer, software update etc but nothing on TV screen.

any ideas anyone,
thanks in advance,

07-11-13, 09:39

You will need to provide more details before someone is able to answer your question.

What version of VIX are you running?
Does this happen every time?
If you switch the Duo off/on at the back does it boot?
Can you please attach the log file?


colin hindle
07-11-13, 11:17
Hi Rich,
I'm pretty new at this game so hope you can bear with me. The last update was 3.0.773-2013-11-01_21-11.tar is this my version of VIX if not how do i find it?
If i switch the box off/on it boots but sticks at Booting 99.
Where do i get the log file as when the fault error shows it is only on for a few secs and goes but it shows KEY 352 OK and Exception in python start up code.

Is this any help or do you need more info.

_ colin

07-11-13, 11:38

Your version of VIX is 3.0 build 773.

Have you recently tried to perform an online update through the menu? If so this might be the issue as you cannot update from a build below 760. See andyblac's post> http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?32376-It-seem-s-most-of-you-have-missed-the-thread&p=244011&viewfull=1#post244011

Was your box set up for you or did you build it yourself?

colin hindle
07-11-13, 13:29
Hi Rich, there was an update available last night but i did not update it as the box was recording at the time.
I have had the box for just over a year now and a friend set it up for me.
i have been doing the software updates when the green light has been flashing on the display, with no real problems.
i read the thread you directed me to but am a bit unsure how to 'flash'

07-11-13, 13:56

Good news - we have found the source of your problem (you need to flash your receiver)

Bad news - Its going to take a bit of time

More good news - You will learn a lot and everyone on the forum is willing to help.

As a base guide see this useful post > http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?23571-New-box-set-up-guide&p=175607&viewfull=1#post175607

You can obtain the latest image from > http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=

I recommend you write your own step by step notes as you go along. This way when you come to do it again it will be easier to follow. Also if you want to tweak any of the settings to your liking you wont forget what they are :)

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

colin hindle
08-11-13, 08:03
Hi Rich,
took the receiver to my mates (who set it up for me) and he went through the flash procedure with me( i took your notes and followed through), to be honest not half as scary as i was expecting when i read the procedure myself. pretty confident i could do it on my own now if ever needed with the help of your notes and the extra ones i made.All up and running again, thanks again for your help.

a now relaxed Colin.