View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] VU+ box stuck at Booting 99 after restart

colin hindle
07-11-13, 08:34
Hi, got up this morning to see my box displaying VU+DUO on the screen, tried restarting the box, it went through the start up but stuck at Booting 99, just displaying the blue open Vix page. looked at software updates but said was doing a background check.
Any ideas please.

07-11-13, 09:07
you looked for update through the menu with your RC? If yes then the box is already running. Have you tried other button on your RC?


colin hindle
07-11-13, 09:25
Thanks for reply, other buttons work and show say channel number on VU box but nothing comes up on the screen. have noted on restart a software fault shown,
Component Enigma 2
skin parsing embeded

Have sent info to vixlogs at w-o-sat hopefully i'll get a reply.

Tanks again