View Full Version : updated to 775 tonight - EPG crashes at reading titles on new CROSSEPG

04-11-13, 20:21
box has hung at Reading Titles - Read 195kb

edit after about 5 mins, its moved: Reading Summaries - Read 886Kb.

think i will reflash

EDIT: reflashed and same happened - going back to an old october image

04-11-13, 20:39

04-11-13, 20:44
sorry - what, i did a full reflash without restoring anything!

i flashed with USB stick.

04-11-13, 20:56
ive just deleted all existing crossepg data and epg.dat from my HDD - and will retry - what a waste of an hour and a half!!

Rob van der Does
05-11-13, 05:24
.....what a waste of an hour and a half!!
It's supposed to be a hobby!
Or better use a SkyBox then :confused:

05-11-13, 14:01
It's supposed to be a hobby!
Or better use a SkyBox then :confused:

sorry guys, was in a bad mood last night, and the crossepg mess made it worse as i couldnt watch TV for a few hours, just for the sake of getting the EPG working how i wanted.

anyway, i've reverted back to an october image that i created when i was happy with my system (apart from SD and HD weird res changes when switching between them).

i will leave it a few weeks in the hope that any bugs are ironed out.

sorry for coming across moody and a tw4t.

i appreciate all what you do, and have been happy with VIX images now for a couple of years - every now and then i change and try a new image, but i always find myself going back to VIX.

07-11-13, 14:26
Tried again last night on build 778 and same thing happened. Do I have to turn logging on. Where do i find the log file? Thnx

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09-11-13, 11:12
well to sort out my crossepg problem i thought a simple just downgrade,

so i just downloaded 5 image files off here to downgrade and guess what, NOT one of them is picked up????????

I get this all the time when i have to downgrade

tried two diff usb sticks and on booting just goes into the blue tree page

usbs are formatted to fat 32 and the et9x00 file copied over....

ive tried in the front and the back and not one image is seen, there is 5 files in the folder

still cant downgrade!:rolleyes: wasted so far 45 mins

16-11-13, 09:43
its fixed now!

Rob van der Does
16-11-13, 09:50
wasted so far 45 mins
Time is never wasted; as far as I can see you've used 45 mins for a fine mental exercise!

16-11-13, 09:56
In future ViX related issues are to be posted here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?298-ViX-Team-Images-Support-Discussion