View Full Version : Most plugins not working after software upgrade

03-11-13, 20:10
I did a normal software upgrade through my vix image on my solo2 the other night and since then I've been getting the message "Some Plugins are not available: SystemPlugins/Videomode ('bestfit'). I have no knowledge of what that plugin does as I don't recall downloading it it must be part of the vix image core plugins.
Since this happened I can't get anything on Mediaportal, Dreamplex, XBMC addons to play which all worked fine before the update. I've tried looking for any info on redownloading videomode bestfit but can't find anything on it anywhere. At the moment all I can get working is Ondemand. Does anyone have a similar problems with plugins since the most recent update and maybe a few pointers as to how to fix them?
4 months without a glitch then this lot all come at once!
thanks in advance guys.
(forgot to mention TS Media crashes my box on startup also just since the recent update)

03-11-13, 20:18
you tried to update and old image. When you came from an image <build 760 it was published that you should do a settings backup and install the image completely new and then restore your settings and plugins.


03-11-13, 22:37
Where was it published? My image is from when I got my box in May this year - is that too old to update? Perhaps a message from the vix team actually sent to the box in the software upgrade section before upgrading would be a better way to explain this than buried on a forum. Very grateful though I am for any help from members!
Anyway am I too late to save all my plugins and settings? If anyone's got the patience could someone talk me through how I find and install the latest vix image as my box came pre-installed and as you might have worked out I'm a bit of a novice/newbie/ at management but not completely clueless about how to use the device!

03-11-13, 22:39
Where was it published? My image is from when I got my box in May this year - is that too old to update? Perhaps a message from the vix team actually sent to the box in the software upgrade section before upgrading would be a better way to explain this than buried on a forum. Very grateful though I am for any help from members!
Anyway am I too late to save all my plugins and settings? If anyone's got the patience could someone talk me through how I find and install the latest vix image as my box came pre-installed and as you might have worked out I'm a bit of a novice/newbie/ at management but not completely clueless about how to use the device!

Latest build here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=Vu%2BDuo/

How to flash guide here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=Guides%20and%20Tutorials/

03-11-13, 23:10
Ok downgraded to 750 and everything is working again. Is it worth upgrading to 775? If not I'll probably stick with my last working image as I can't find any info on how to transfer my settings and plugins to a newly flashed image.

04-11-13, 00:03
Do a settings backup, flash 775 and when you reboot you will be prompted to restore your setting and plugins. Easy as.

04-11-13, 00:15
but i thought when people have problems are to do a clean install and start from scratch as older settings etc may not be compatible with new image

05-11-13, 10:53
The team advises when you can't do a settings restore. Going from 750 to 775 or whatever the latest is will be fine with a settings restore, just make sure you flash the image from USB or image manager if upgrading from an image prior to 760