View Full Version : Standard setting in Samba

02-11-13, 15:45

Why is standard setting in Samba for windows group set to: Vix
It's much smarter to have it as default set to: Workgroup

Then standard windows installation will find the sat receiver, and thouse not familiar
with linux won't have to strugel how to change the settings.


05-11-13, 12:50
i'm not sure that can help.. but u don't need to be in a workgroup to browse a samba share in windows, for example if your decoder ip is just create a link on your desktop (under windows) like that "\\" without quotes and click ok, from this moment double clicking that icon will make u browse your decoder samba share (after u enter login and password when prompt)
To set a fixed ip on your decoder the easiest way is using "dhcp address reservation" that almost every router have, means u can set a fixed ip for a specified mac address (wich is the network adapter fingerprint of any ethernet device) so your router's dhcp will always assign ip u specified when that mac address device connects to the lan.

05-11-13, 15:25
I can't get your method to work. Any more details about the "link on desktop" you mention.

I can get connected to the VU+ box when I set up Workgroup in the Samba setup screen as the OP says.

07-11-13, 23:00
Best et9k,

Myself and a lot of others don't have problem with how it works today. But there are way more people that for a good reason
don't like and don't use other systems than Windows and Mac, and that is because thouse systems are much MUCH more
user friendly.

With the proposed change in setting, the only thing the user will have to do is simply click on networks in windows, and the
receiver will pop up there. Can't be much easier, can it? In older VIX versions, samba was default activated and settings was
user friendly...