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View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Change Radio Image & Radio Text

01-11-13, 15:44
I have 2 questions related to the radio functionality

is it possible to change the image displayed when you use the radio
I have managed to change the boot screens using dream logo generator but cant figure out how to change the radio image?

is there a way to get text displayed when listening to the radio
so for example when watching the same station on freeview it will say what track is playing, who is on etc?

cheers Bart

02-11-13, 01:19
The radio image is /share/enigma2/radio.mvi

Similar in format to /share/backdrop.mvi and /share/bootlogo.mvi

There is a utility somewhere which creates a .mvi file from your own photo, using a PC

05-11-13, 16:07
Thanks for the help

i couldnt find the radio.mvi file in that location it was actually it the default files location and I managed to update it.

any suggestions on the radio text?